Tourists must learn to travel climate-smart

For the first time, the Swedish Tourist Association (STF) is bringing together the biggest players in outdoor life to a meeting, to find the solution for sustainable tourism. The place for the meeting, Kebnekaise, was chosen with care – as research indicates that the mountains will be most affected by climate change.

Climate-smart travel

The theme of the meeting is climate-smart travel to the outdoors. Studies show that the biggest climate impact from tourism comes from the transport to the places you want to visit. Climate-smart travel is, according to STF, crucial to being able to continue visiting Sweden’s nature in a sustainable way.

The Kebnekaise Protocol

In connection with the meeting, the participants will sign the so-called Kebnekaise protocol – a number of measures that they undertake to implement. STF hopes that the participants themselves will continue the work, even after the meeting. According to STF, it is about concrete measures regarding things that the actors in the outdoor life can decide on themselves.

The meeting in Kebnekaise is the first of its kind, and will last for four days. In addition to the outdoor activities, the Ministry of Climate and Business, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Swedish Transport Agency, train and bus companies will also participate in the meeting. Land use expert Tomas Kuhmunen is participating from the Sami Parliament.
