Gamma GT: standards, high, low, what is it?

Gamma GT standards high low what is it

Gamma GT is measured during a blood test when liver damage is suspected. What is the standard? What to do if the gamma GT level is high? Too low ? How to bring them down quickly?

THE gamma GT blood test is carried out duringa classic liver test (transaminases, gamma GT), allows to see liver health and to detect possible diseases. Indeed, in case of inflammation or infection in the liverthe level of gamma GT in the blood increase. For whom is the gamma GT dosage indicated? How is the exam going ? How can you interpret the results of your blood test? What to do if the rate exceeds the standards and is too high? On the contrary, too low ? Answers from Professor Patrick Marcellin, hepatologist at Beaujon Hospital (AH-PH) and President of the APHC (Association for the improvement of the care of patients with chronic liver diseases).

What is the definition of gamma GT?

The more the liver suffers, the higher the gamma GT level.

THE gamma GT (glutamyl transpeptidases or gammaglutamyl transferases) are enzymes which allow amino acids to be transferred between cells. “These enzymes are mainly contained in the liver cells and from the moment they suffer, these enzymes are released. abnormally“, specifies Professor Patrick Marcellin. If the liver functions normally, without hepatic suffering, these enzymes are still present in the blood, but at a low rate. When the rate exceeds the normal value, or even if it approaches the upper limit of normal (maximum tolerated value before carrying out an assessment) defined by the laboratory, it is necessary to carry out additional examinations. In short, an elevation of gamma GT is a warning sign of liver damage. The more the liver suffers, the higher the gamma GT level.

When to do a gamma GT assay?

Measuring the level of gamma GT in the blood is part of a liver assessment in people at high risk of liver problems or if inflammation or infection of the liver is suspected. Generally, during a liver test, transaminases and gamma GT are measured“, explains Professor Patrick Marcellin. In short, “measuring their concentration is an excellent indicator of liver function and helps direct the search for the cause of a high level. As liver diseases are silent and asymptomatic, it is important to carry out a liver test (measurement of gamma GT and transaminases) regularly. he advises.

The doctor can prescribe a gamma GT assay during a consultation or at the hospital. To carry out this examination, it will be necessary to make an appointment in a medical analysis laboratory and bring your medical prescription, your carte vitale and your health insurance card. Know thatit is not necessary to be fasting to perform this assay, unless a blood glucose assay is performed at the same time. Here are the steps for the gamma GT review:

► The doctor places a tourniquet around your arm to compress the veins and arteries. The vein swollen by the tourniquet is thus more visible and facilitates the realization of the blood test,

► The doctor then takes one or more tubes of blood depending on their capacity. After taking the sample, generally at the elbow crease, pressure is applied to the puncture point for a few seconds.

► The blood is sent to the laboratory for analysis.

► The examination is painless and does not require any specific instructions when leaving the laboratory. You can eat right after and live normally. One to two days later, you will receive the results by mail. The laboratory can sometimes send the results directly to the prescribing doctor. If this is not the case, send the results to your doctor so that he can decide whether to carry out additional tests or prescribe possible treatment. And this, even if the results seem completely normal to you in view of the standards indicated by the laboratory.

Standards: what are the normal Gamma GTs?

These standards are given for information only and may vary slightly depending on the technique used in each laboratory:

Normal value of gamma GT blood level (at 37°C)
ManBetween 10 and 45 IU/L (unit per liter of blood)
WomenBetween 7 and 35 IU/L (unit per liter of blood)
Child from one yearBetween 7 and 35 IU/L (unit per liter of blood)

The gamma GT level is visible on the results of the blood test in the section “enzymology“.

Augmented Gamma GT: a sign of what?

Alcohol consumption, even moderate, can be enough to increase gamma GT levels in some people.

A discrete elevation of gamma GT is generally benign in the majority of people. It will still be necessary to determine the cause (age-related weight gain, taking medication, etc.) and monitor this increase to ensure that it does not change. Moreover, “Even moderate alcohol consumption can be enough to increase gamma GT levels in some people. Just like taking certain medications (barbiturates, antidiabetics, pills, medications against blood pressure, against uric acid, sleeping pills), overweight, obesity, as well as excess fat in the liver (“fatty liver”). ” or steatosis particularly linked to excess weight, poor diet and lack of exercise)“, specifies Professor Patrick Marcellin.

Very high Gamma GT: the sign of what?

If the increase in gamma GT persists or is abnormally high, additional tests are necessary to check the health of the liver. “A gamma GT level in the blood higher than the normal value (between one and two times the normal value) can indicate inflammation or infection of the liver or bile ducts. The origins are multiple and are more or less serious: chronic and acute hepatitis (generally, the gamma GT level is ten times higher than the normal value), viral, medicinal, toxic, alcohol-toxic, broncho-pulmonary damage, obstruction of the bile ducts , myocardial infarction, hyperthyroidism, pancreatitis, diabetes, hemochromatosis (excessive iron absorption)“. To establish a diagnosis, it will be necessary to carry out blood test of liver activity including at least the blood measurement of transaminases, albumin and bilirubin, a questioning (on medication intake, alcohol consumption, family history), a clinical examination (height, weight) as well as a liver ultrasound and sometimes, elastometry (Fibroscan) to quantify the fat in the liver. Namely that a gamma GT level which would be 100 times higher than the normal value would bring a risk offulminant hepatitis, and which could lead to a hepatic coma. However, this is an extreme and exceptional case.

Low Gamma GT: a sign of what?

A low gamma GT level shows the absence of liver damage. Nevertheless, the pregnancy is likely to influence the rate of gamma GTs downwards.

Gamma GT rate which varies: why?

Gamma GT naturally increases with age (from 50/60 years old depending on the individual) and weight. It can also vary depending on gender: women, for example, have on average a gamma GT rate 20% lower than the gamma GT rate of men. In case of overweight, the rate of gamma GT can vary from 20 to 100%. When taking medication, the level of gamma GT also changes.

What drugs increase gamma GT?

Certain types of drugs increase the level of gamma GT. This is particularly the case for antibiotics, anticonvulsants, anticancer drugs, antidepressants and certain oral contraceptives (pills).

  • Stop or limit alcohol consumption as much as possible. In the case of chronic alcoholism, the levels drop rapidly after the onset of complete withdrawal, on average within 48 hours.
  • Monitor your diet: reduce your intake of fats, processed products and foods with a high glycemic index (white pasta, white bread, soda, red meats, etc.) and favor whole grains (whole grain bread, whole grain pasta, whole grain rice. ..)
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables, which will help detoxify the liver
  • Lose a few kilos if you are overweight.
  • Have regular physical activity: 2 to 3 sessions of 30 to 45 minutes per week.

On the health forum: discussions about gamma GTs

To remember

► An elevation of gamma GT is a warning sign of liver damage. Even a slight elevation should prompt a search for metabolic problems.

► The three main causes of an elevation of gamma GT and therefore of a suffering liver are: excess fat in the liver, excessive alcohol consumption and viruses (chronic hepatitis B and C).

► Liver diseases being silent and asymptomatic, it is important to carry out a liver test regularly. This examination is simple, common, painless and non-invasive.

Thanks to Professor Patrick Marcellin, hepatologist at Beaujon Hospital (AH-PH) and President of the APHC (Association for the improvement of the care of patients with chronic liver diseases). Also discover : Hepato-Biliary Center website
