Irritated glans: what to do?

Irritated glans what to do

If the glans is irritated, red, itchy, it may be inflammation of the penis. What are the causes ? What to do in case of irritation of the glans?

Definition: what is an irritated glans?

The glans, located at the end of the penis, can sometimes be irritated. He becomes red, inflamed and more or less painful. Itching and burning may also be present. “We call it a balanitiswhich is most often benign in nature., indicates Doctor Romain Troalen, general practitioner in Paris. But sometimes balanitis becomes complicated, particularly when the inflammation spreads to the urethra (urethritis), the conduit which serves to empty the bladder. A whitish discharge can also appear under the foreskin (the skin that covers the glans) usually indicating an infection.

What are the causes of an irritated glans?

Often a insufficient personal hygieneor in rarer cases too intensive, is responsible for irritations at the glans level. “In people who have normal hygiene, balanitis is raresays Dr. Troalen. It can then be the symptom of a candida fungus : we recognize it because the mucous membrane of the glans peels and becomes red in patches.” Mycosis is often linked to unprotected sex. It is also necessary to check that it is not, in rarer cases, lichen or scab. “If it is not that, then we must ensure that there is not a STDsbecause some cause the same symptoms at the glans level: this may be the syphilis, papillomavirus, or genital herpes or genital condyloma (wart).” Remember that if the glans is irritated after sexual intercourse, it may be a simple lubrication problem.

How does an irritated glans with redness manifest?

Balanitis is manifested by a inflammation (redness) in the glans, under the crown, or sometimes extending to the entire foreskin. It can also be a red plate on a limited area glans or foreskin. This inflammation is often accompanied by burning or itching sensations. “In children, there may be pain when removing the cap, if it is not done or done incompletely”specifies Doctor Troalen.

What does an irritated glans mean after sex?

If balanitis occurs after unprotected sex, it is surely due to an infection in the partner (mycosis, even STD). Both partners will then need to be treated. If it occurs after sex protected by a condom, it may be a latex allergy.

What does an irritated glans with red dots mean?

The appearance of red dots on the penis can be frightening, but they are harmless in most cases. It can also be allergy, mycosisor more rarely herpes genital, or human papillomavirus.

What to do in case of irritated glans?

In simple balanitis (which is not a symptom of a disease) “There is nothing to do apart from antiseptic washperhaps with Hexomedine©” advises Doctor Troalen. Indeed, in order to avoid recurrence, good hygiene is key : clean yourself every day, by removing the cap, rinse well but also dry, to avoid maceration. You should also not indulge in excessive cleaning: too much soap can strip the flora and its protective germs, which can lead to fungal infections. If balanitis is related to the disease, the treatment of course depends on the cause: antifungal treatment if the examinations revealed the presence of genital mycosis, antibiotic treatment if balanitis is caused by bacteria, treatment of psoriasis or eczema with or without cortisone.

Thanks to Dr Romain Troalen, general practitioner in Paris.
