This is how Umeå Municipality tries to prevent floods

There have been major problems with flooding in several places in Sweden during the summer. Västerbotten has so far managed, but if a heavy rainstorm comes, there are areas that are particularly vulnerable.

Rödäng, Västerslätt and Haga in Umeå, for example, were severely affected by extensive flooding in autumn 2020.

The municipality has implemented measures to slow down large amounts of water, so that it does not all end up in the mains at the same time. Among other things, a large stormwater dam and various dry dams have been constructed – i.e. submerged green areas that can withstand being flooded.

Difficult to divert water away in dense buildings

Tvärån and Djupbäcken are two watercourses in Umeå that easily overflow. The municipality is now focusing on developing a plan for appropriate measures there, but it is complicated to divert water away in the densely built-up environments that the waterways run through.

– There are proposals to open up the culvert in certain sections or to build a larger pipe down to the river that could lead the water away when it rains very, very heavily, says stormwater coordinator Sara Jansson at Umeå municipality.

The municipality is investigating several different solutions to arrive at what is feasible.

See and hear more about the measures to prevent floods in the clip.
