A journey into the Renaissance to design the Italy of tomorrow

A journey into the Renaissance to design the Italy of

(Finance) – Discover what place Italy occupies today in the world and not forget its best traits, those strengths from which to start again and write the future of a country that cannot and must not abandon itself to the idea of ​​a destiny already marked. Savior Redspresident of Tim with a past as general director of the Bank of Italy and president of the Insurance Supervisory Institute – IVASS, follows this path by describing the Italian economy and comparing it with that of the great world powers, wondering if a new Italian Renaissance it’s possible.

Through data, but also with reflections from historical character And politicRossi in his latest book, Brief story of Italy in the world through economic facts (Il Mulino), collects good and bad news from which a very advanced country emerges, albeit with strong anomalies that have been slowing down its progress for some time. For Salvatore Rossi, in fact, there is a common thread between the present and the past, in particular that past in which an economy developed that combined beauty with utility, art withinnovationL’elegance with the technology. Finding that thread could be the key to becoming protagonists again in a world that today seems to require precisely what our country does best.

“The maxim according to the past must guide us for the present and is always valid for the future – he explained Savior Reds –. In this book I have tried to look not only at the immediate past but also at the remote past, of past centuries. I went back to the era of greatest artistic, scientific, literary, cultural but also economic splendor: the Renaissance. The values ​​of the Renaissance, but also the image that Italy has in the world today is still the one we created 5 centuries ago: that is, the image according to which Italy and the Italians are the nation and the people that manages to combine technology, productive sophistication and good taste. This type of message should never be forgotten, we must recover it especially at this time when we are suffering from the effects of a quarter of a century of production crisis”.
