Cancer: beware of certain vitamins that boost the growth of tumors

Cancer beware of certain vitamins that boost the growth of

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    Fatigue, low mood… To fight against these small inconveniences, many people have the reflex to take vitamins. But beware: according to a Swedish study, the antioxidants they contain could also promote tumor growth.

    And if vitamins, in addition to giving us a boost, would also promote the growth of tumors, especially in the case of lung cancer? This is the conclusion of a recent Swedish study, conducted by researchers from the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm.

    The activation of a protein would be involved

    Scientists have been particularly interested in vitamins C and E, known for their antioxidant properties. By activating a protein called BACH1, the two molecules would accelerate tumor growth, in the case of lung cancer. “We discovered that antioxidants activate a mechanism that causes cancerous tumors to form new blood vessels.” explains the vice-president of the Karolinska Institutet Martin Bergö, author of this study. A phenomenon, called angiogenesis, which promotes its nutrient supply and therefore its growth.

    Should we fear the antioxidants contained in these vitamins?

    Antioxidants are usually recognized for their effectiveness in fighting free radicals and therefore in protecting our organism, at the cellular level. This discovery surprises researchers including Martin Bergö, who nevertheless wants to be reassuring. “There is no need to fear the presence of antioxidants in the normal diet, most people do not need them in additional amounts” he assures. “In fact, (taking dietary compliments containing antioxidants) may be harmful to cancer patients and people at high risk of cancer.”.

    In any case, it is best to seek advice from your doctor or pharmacist before taking food supplements or vitamins. For their part, the researchers plan to study this protein in other forms of cancer, such as breast, kidney and skin cancer.
