Some doors in Starfield seem impassable, but a simple tool can help

Opening certain doors in Starfield can be a puzzle for some players, but the first “weapon” you receive in the game is the solution.

Which doors are you talking about? In Starfield there are red emergency exit doors (Emergency Cuttable Wall) in some places. They don’t have a handle or an automated switch to open them.

If you’ve ever faced a door like this in Bethesda’s latest RPG, you may have wondered how to get the damn thing open. One might think that there is no clue, but the solution to the riddle is right on the door.

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How can you open the doors? With the cutter. The cutter is the first “weapon” you get in Starfield.

Just shoot the laser at the four yellow pins in the corners of the door. On the door itself you will also find a hint where exactly you have to cut: an arrow and the words “Cut Pins” (English: cut the bolts) show you the places.

We include a clip that shows you how to use the cutter here:

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Already in the introductory mission you will be shown that you can mine resources with the cutter’s laser. While the door isn’t a resource, if something can cut through different precious metals, it gets a door open, too.

For some doors it is not enough to pull out your cutter. Occasionally you have to pick locks the old-fashioned way with the digipick. For the particularly stubborn locks, however, you need a skill called “Security” and you have to upgrade it as the game progresses.

You can read here which skills are particularly useful at the beginning of Starfield:

Starfield: 5 useful skills that you should definitely unlock at the start
