Mathieu Kassovitz: out of a coma, several operations… What is his state of health?

Mathieu Kassovitz out of a coma several operations What is

Victim of a serious motorcycle accident on Sunday in Essonne, Mathieu Kassovitz came out of the artificial coma in which he was plunged, after undergoing several operations. What we know.

[Mis à jour le 5 septembre 2023 à 9h25] How is Mathieu Kassovitz after his serious motorcycle accident on September 3 in Essonne? According to information from BFM-TVwho quotes his entourage, the 56-year-old French actor and director came out of the artificial coma in which he had been plunged to bear the pain after having undergone several operations.

He is still hospitalized at the Kremlin-Bicêtre (Paris) on Tuesday. He underwent surgery for injuries to his leg, pelvis and ankle. “The operations of this night went well, revealed Peter Kassovitz, the father of the actor, in a press release. Mathieu will begin a normal process of healing, rest and fitness. He is surrounded by his family and loved ones”. The family wanted to thank those who “shown their affection and their friendship”, as well as the “formidable nursing staff who are doing everything possible for his good recovery”. Monday evening, the French actor came out of a coma less than 48 hours after his accident.

The incident happened on Sundayon the Linas-Montlhéry racing circuit, in Essonne. Mathieu Kassovitz was driving would be alone in question of this accident, according to the prosecution of Evry. The interpreter of Malotru in “The office of legends” was following a training course in the context of the preparation of a film. According to information from BFM TV, the comedian went off the road after a turn, and was propelled off the track before falling violently to the ground. The director of “The Hate” was conscious when help arrived, but the pain was such that he was finally put to sleep, before his condition was considered an “absolute emergency”, without his vital prognosis being engaged. An investigation has been opened for “search for the causes of the injuries” by the Evry prosecution.

The actor’s children present at the time of the accident

Hearings were conducted Sunday evening and Monday with witnesses present on site. Two of the actor’s three children were also present at the time of the accident. According to Le Parisien, one of her daughters was also on a motorcycle on the track with an instructor. Unlike their father, they do not suffer any injuries.

Mathieu Kassovitz has three children: his eldest daughter, Carmen Kassovitz, was born from his union with actress Julie Mauduech, seen in the film “Métisse”. He then had a relationship with model Aurore Lagache, with whom he had two more children.

A motorcycle enthusiast

Mathieu Kassovitz is a motorcycle enthusiast. In 2019, he explained to the microphone of the show “High Side” that it had come to him late, and that he had had his license at 40 years old. “I like machines, I like the technicality to master them […] I immediately got on motorcycles that were too heavy for me”. A passion he seemed to share with some of his children, since two were also present on the Montlhéry circuit in Essonne at the time of the actor’s accident.

Mathieu Kassovitz is a French actor, director and screenwriter. Born on August 3, 1967 in Paris, he made his first appearance at the cinema in “Au bout du bout du banc” directed by his father in 1978. He played opposite Isabelle Adjani in “Next Year… Hopefully”, the same year. Mathieu Kassovitz then appeared in his own films, “La Haine” in 1995 and “Assassin(s)” in 1997. His most notable performances were in “Le Fabuleux destin d’Amélie Poulain” (2000) and “Amen” (2002). ). We also saw him in “Munich” by Steven Spielberg, “An Illustrious Unknown” by Mathieu Delaporte or in the mini-series “War and Peace” in the role of Napoleon Bonaparte. Since 2015, he has played the main character of the series “Le Bureau des Légendes”, Malotru. More recently, it is in “Happy End” by Michael Haneke (2017), “Le Chant du loup” (2019) or even “Human things” by Yvan Attal (2021) that we could see the actor at the cinema. .

In parallel with his acting career, Mathieu Kassovitz wears the cap of actor and screenwriter. He directed his first film, Métisse, in 1993, two years before the success of La Haine, which earned him the prize for directing at the 1995 Cannes Film Festival and the César for best film in 1996. In 1997, he moved from again behind the camera to direct Assassin(s), before embarking on the production of Purple Rivers in 2000. Three years later, he signed the film Gothika, but it was with Babylon AD in 2008 that he fully reconnected with critical success. His last film as a director, L’Ordre et la Morale, was released in 2011.

Positions and controversies

In September 2009, on the program “Tonight (or never)”, Mathieu Kassovitz considered that it was necessary for certain elements concerning the attacks of September 11, 2001 to be clarified, which earned him numerous criticisms in the media which accuse him of spreading conspiracy theories. He then sued for public defamation. During the 2017 presidential election, he called Nicolas Dupont-Aignan an “asshole” after he decided to join the candidacy of Marine Le Pen. In response, the president of the Debout la France party lodged a complaint.

On December 24, 2017, Mathieu Kassovitz was indignant at a drug check in a hospital in Rezé, going so far as to describe the police as “good for nothing” and “a bunch of bastards” on his Twitter account. After an open letter from Eric Ciotti, the actor and director responds with insults. He apologizes for having insulted them on RMC a few days later, clarifying his words: “I would like my taxes to be used in a normal way. What the police are doing is shameful, they are a bunch of good-for-nothings! ” He was sentenced for public insult on September 18, 2019, and must pay a fine of 1000 euros and pay a symbolic euro in damages to the 17 Nantes police officers who filed a complaint against him.

Film reviews

Blaming the very mixed success at the box office of his film L’Ordre et la Morale, which obtained “only” a César nomination in 2011, he took to Twitter to write the following words: “J’ Fuck French cinema. Go fuck yourself with your shitty films.” In addition, Mathieu Kassovitz aroused criticism from his peers in 2020 when he judges on the set of BFM TV that the reopening of cinemas is not “essential” in the context of the health crisis. He accuses the world of cinema of showing “a form of misplaced ego”. “The cinema is no longer essential as it once was. Unfortunately, the rooms are no longer essential.
