Bavarian leader held despite anti-Semitism charges

Bavarian leader held despite anti Semitism charges

It is a scandal that has shaken politics in Bavaria for more than a week. On Sunday September 3, the Minister President of the Land, the conservative Markus Söder, finally announced that he was keeping his number two, Hubert Aiwanger, in his post. In the latter’s belongings, an anti-Semitic leaflet was found.

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The controversy dates back to August 25, 2023, when the Munich daily Suddeutsche Zeitung publishes an investigation accusing Hubert Aiwanger of having distributed an anti-Semitic leaflet during his youth, explains our correspondent in Berlin, Nathalie Versieux.

In this document, which dates back to 1987-1988, it is a question of ” Who is the biggest traitor to the fatherland? », and the said « traitors “are invited” to the Dachau concentration camp for a job interview “, For ” a free flight through the chimney of the Auschwitz camp ” Or ” to a lifelong stay in a mass grave “.

Leader of the populist party of the Free Electors, the very sulphurous Aiwanger has led, since 2018, an all-right coalition with the Christian social party CSU of Markus Soder, who now fears being splashed by this affair. The scandal erupts a few weeks before the next regional elections, on October 8.

Hubert Aiwanger, 52, initially rejected these serious accusations outright, before acknowledging that this leaflet, found in his schoolbag at the time, was very real but had been written by his brother. Thirdly, the leader of the Free Electors finally apologized for not having distanced himself from this leaflet early enough.

Despite calls for resignation, Aiwanger will retain his post until the vote, due to lack of evidence to remove him. ” Ousting him would not be proportionate “, explained Sunday the number 1 of the Land. ” Moreover, the facts go back 35 years. No one is today who he was then “, added Markus Söder, who invites his number two to a dialogue with Jewish associations for” to repent “. His decision caused a scandal in the region.

(and with AFP)
