How Season 2 and the next villains are already being prepared

Netflix has snagged the best-selling manga of all time and turned it into an acclaimed live-action series. However, One Piece only films a fraction of the epic pirate saga about Monkey D. Luffy and his Straw Hat crew. After season 1 there is much more material for many more seasons.

It is not yet known whether Netflix will continue the One Piece series. However, the ending of the first eight episodes sets the stage for a future season 2. How episode 8 prepares the next adventure of the straw hat gang, who is the mysterious villain in the end and what manga and anime already reveal about season 2we have summarized you here.

One Piece ending explained: The Grandline and Rivers Mountain are close

The entire first season of One Piece is basically a long prologue to the real adventure of the Straw Hat Pirates. Over the course of eight episodes, Monkey D. Luffy (Iñaki Godoy) pulls together a crew at Eastblue who, after defeating Arlong (McKinley Belcher III), are finally together sails towards the Grandline.

One Piece – S01 Trailer 2 (German) HD

Not only dangerous pirates cavort on the dangerous stretch of sea. The legendary One Piece is also said to be located here. But the way to the Grandline is not as easy as expected. Navigator Nami (Emily Rudd) references at the end of the season a narrow and strange straitthrough which the Flying Lamb must first sail.

Of course, fans of the anime and the manga know what this realization alludes to. The strait that seems to lead up a mountain on the map is exactly that. The so-called Rivers Mountain is a mountain on which the four seas converge (uphill). He is one of two known additions to the Grandline.

Who is the cigar smoker at the end of Netflix’s One Piece?

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After the end of the first season, there is a short bonus scene that shows a mysterious person holding two cigars and burning Luffy’s newly issued wanted poster. This is the villain Smoker, known from manga and anime.

Smoker is a dangerous naval officer. In season 2, he could now take on the role that Luffy’s grandfather played in season 1. He will chase the Straw Hat Pirates on their new adventure all the way to the desert state of Alabasta. Unlike Garp (Vincent Regan), however, Smoker has the Powers of the Devil Fruit Moku Moku no Mi, the smoke fruit. This allows him to control smoke and transform himself into smoke.

Will Buggy and Alvida return in Season 2?


Alvida and Buggy in One Piece

In addition, bring yourself two more possible opponents for season 2 in position at the end of the eight episodes. The pirate Alvida (Ilia Isorelýs Paulino), believed dead, has survived and now seems to be allied with the murderous clown pirate Buggy (Jeff Ward). Their next destination could also be the Grandline, where they will clash with the Straw Hat crew again.

Looking at the template, One Piece Season 1 skipped part of its storyline. Before Luffy leaves for the Grandline, the allied pirates seek revenge on him in the Eastblue town of Loguetown. The Netflix series could have the common Alvida and Buggy’s Revenge Path saved for Season 2 have and bring in a modified form. Because in the manga they play no role during the next saga.

How does the anime continue? One Piece season 2 could adapt the Alabasta saga

The first season of One Piece adapted the so-called Eastblue saga and thus the first 53 anime episodes and the first 100 manga chapters. In the template, the epic pirate story of Luffy and Co. divides larger story arcs into sagas, each of which consists of smaller story arcs. Next up would be the Alabasta Saga, which spans 117 chapters in the manga.

For the first time, the Straw Hat Pirates go to the Grandline, where they jump into Machinations of the Baroque company already mentioned several times in season 1 and conspiracies in the desert state of Alabasta. The crew encounters new enemies and new allies, two of whom will even join the pirate gang in the future: the reindeer Chopper and the archaeologist Nico Robin.

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