Park the autumn jacket – high summer heat this week

The summer heat is coming back. Already on Monday, plus 20 degrees is expected in large parts of the country.
– The heat looks like it will remain as we head into the weekend, says TV4 Nyhetern’s meteorologist Peter Kondrup.

After the rain, warm air is now expected to sweep in from the south and reach almost the entire country during the week.

On Monday, it will be over 20 degrees in many places in the southern half of the country.

– It is late summer heat, perhaps up to 24-25 degrees in the eastern parts of Småland, says meteorologist Peter Kondrup.

Later in the week, the northern half will also get its fair share of summer temperatures.

The heat finds its way north

Tuesday also offers sunshine and temperatures above 20 degrees up to northern Svealand. Wednesday looks to be something of an in-between day weather-wise, but then high pressure is expected to dominate again.

Later in the week, high pressure from the south is expected to find its way into the country, and so will the sunshine.

– The heat spreads north during Thursday and we can probably have upwards of 20 degrees all the way up to Medelpad and Ångermanland, says Kondrup.

Park the autumn wardrobe for a week

– On Friday, we can start approaching 25 degrees again in southern and central Sweden, and now the forecast shows 20 degrees all the way up to the Norrland coast and Norrbotten.

The satellite maps with the long-term forecasts show that the high pressure should remain at the beginning of next week.
