Eric Delphin-Kwegoué (Cameroon): “LeZ-Zanimal” – It’s okay, everyone

Eric Delphin Kwegoue Cameroon LeZ Zanimal Its okay everyone

A homecoming architect with grand plans, a money-obsessed billionaire, a witchy naturopath, and ambitious kids. A fable about the harshness of contemporary life, greed and wild dreams of a new world. Faced with the strategies of men in power to increase their hold on the world, an old woman named Malla tries to resist with her means… We offer you the full version of this reading.

Read by Ibrahima Diokine Sambou, Achille Gwem, Abdon Fortuné Koumbha, Estelle Marion, Claudette Mendela Bediebe, Daddy Moanda Kamono. Direction: Armel Roussel. Assisted by: Alex Sartoretti. Musical creation: Pierre-Alexandre Lampert.

Eric Delphin Kwegoue

Éric Delphin Kwégoué is a Cameroonian author, director and actor. He began his career as an actor and playwright in 2002 after two years of training at the Maison des Jeunes et des Cultures in Douala. He is the author of some twenty plays, some of which have been read and performed in Africa and Europe, including L’ombre de monown vampire (Editions Ifrikiya), Genetics (Editions Scènes d ‘Ebène), Autopsy of a trash can and Out (Editions Scriptures Théâtrales Grand Sud-Ouest-France). Her texts have received various prizes: Prix des Unpublished works from Africa and Overseas in 2017 for Igonshua or never without them (Lansman editions), Esther Prize for Theatrical Literature and Jacques Scherer Prize 2021 for Taxiwoman (Lansman editions). His LeZ-Zanimal project is a winner of the SENDA – Nomadic Writing Studio in Drôme and Ardèche. He completed a three-month residency at the Maison Jean Vilar in Avignon to write the essay Scène exploded ou la déconcentration du theater au Cameroun. Éric Delphin Kwégoué is also artistic director of the Compto’Art54 Festival in Douala, Cameroon. LeZ-Zanimal was published by Éditions de l’apartment / Comédie de Valence.

Alright everyone!

The cycle Alright, Alright World! is designed and coordinated by Pascal Paradou.

Co-production RFI, Company[e]utopia. With the support of the French Institute, the SACD for its radio cultural action, Wallonie-Bruxelles International.

[En images]


Presented by: Pascal Paradou.

Production and sound recording: Alice Mesnard and Nicolas Benita.

Stage technician: Victor Uhl

Technical coordination: Benjamin Avayou


Writing and coordination on Siegfried Forster (in collaboration with Sonia Borelva).

Photos: Pascal Gély.

Videos: Dominique Fiant, Romain Ferré.

To listen to the other readings of “It’s okay, it’s okay people! » ⇒ click here
