Statement from TAYSAD about chip crisis, war and domestic automobile

Statement from TAYSAD about chip crisis war and domestic automobile

The Automotive Supply Manufacturers Association, which is the agenda of the automotive industry, is the chip crisis, war and domestic car talked about. Here are the details.

Vehicle Supply Manufacturers Association TAYSADmade a series of up-to-date statements about the problems caused by the pandemic in the supply chain, the chip crisis and the effects of the chip crisis on the domestic automobile front. Accordingly, TAYSAD Chairman of the Board Albert Saydam said: Our priority is peace. We are in favor of restoring peace and international order in Europe, rather than producing one or more cars. In the automotive supply chain, I guess that with the introduction of new chip production facilities, we can probably get through 2022 with such crises or stop and start. We foresee a recovery in the second quarter or second half of 2023. ” he said. Subsequently, there were some statements about domestic cars and global sanctions.

Albert Saydam said, “The investments made at the moment are generally for the last 7th, 8th and 9th phases, that is, there are investments made in the ready-made garments of the business. The European Union has recently announced an investment. It was decided to take the investment that will prevent the crisis to some extent. This is an investment of approximately 20 billion euros and will only be activated in 2030.

The main way to overcome the crisis is to use chips where we really need them. Because there are some chip applications in our vehicles and electronic equipment that we use only for our comfort, because they are only offered to us outside of our needs. By waiving some of these, we can get through this crisis with less impact on the global economy.” continued as. What about domestic cars?


Domestic car may be less affected by the chip crisis

Saydam said, “1-2 months ago, a world-renowned electric vehicle manufacturer launched its vehicles without a charging unit due to the absence of chips. Those chips are about to be installed when it’s in service and the chips are available. I predict that TOGG investment will not be affected much by this chip crisis. The notifications are that the preliminary agreements for the needed chips have been made. made statements.

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