He’s coming, he’s coming (not): why the entry of Saint Nicholas is becoming increasingly difficult to pay for

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This is where all the thousands of euros for a Sinterklaas entry go

If you’re thinking: how much can such a parade cost? Natasja Evers, from the organization in Amersfoort, often hears that question. “People often have no idea. It is not a spice nut here and a Pietenpakje there.” They can be transparent about it in Amersfoort: they need 30,000 euros this year to build it, otherwise it will not work. But so far they are 10,000 euros short.

Where does that money go? Evers sums it up without difficulty. “More than 15,000 goes to the entire security picture. From hired security guards and crush barriers to a first aid station. The other half of the budget is for the rest. The boat, gingerbread cookies, make-up, decorating the central post…”
