Opened fire at shopping center – could get four years of youth care

It was on the afternoon of August 19 last year that the 16-year-old boy opened fire inside the shopping center. A 31-year-old man, who was known to the police from before, was shot to death. A woman who happened to be at the scene was shot.

The boy who stands accused has admitted that he was the one who shot.

– My client has admitted murder, he has also admitted that he has fired shots and injured the woman who is the plaintiff, says the boy’s defense lawyer Johan Fernvall.

I think two years is a reasonable penalty

The trial, which ended just over a week ago, was held behind closed doors, partly because of the perpetrator’s young age and partly because the preliminary investigation is still ongoing against those suspected of involvement in the crime.

Prosecutor Michelle Stein believes that the boy, who was 15 years old at the time of the incident, should be sentenced for, among other things, murder, attempted murder and causing danger to another.

While she has requested closed youth care for four years, the boy’s defense attorney believes that just over two years is a reasonable penalty.

– If you look at similar deeds and my client’s age, the practice is around three years. And I think there are a number of circumstances that mean you don’t get there, says Johan Fernvall.

According to him, it concerns the circumstances surrounding the act itself, which he cannot comment on due to confidentiality.

Sees the verdict as a chance to move on

The attorney for the woman who was shot also represents several other people who were at the scene, and his clients say they see the verdict as an opportunity to move forward.

– Of course, they have been affected and felt bad for a long time. But at the same time, they see the verdict as an end and a chance to move on, says plaintiff’s attorney Henrik Timan.
