Macron and “the fault” of Darmanin, Borne is looking for women, the RN is looking for moles

Macron and the fault of Darmanin Borne is looking for

This second five-year term like no other is far from over, yet 2027 and its cohort of putative candidates are already advancing. Behind the scenes, some learn to sketch tripping, others familiarize themselves with the art of conspiracy, in short everyone prepares post-Emmanuel Macron with rigor and determination. The political service of L’Express offers to help you follow, thanks to a weekly meeting on our websitethe progress of these ambitious people who hope to climb the steps of power quickly and without injury.

The mistigri of regularization

To break the deadlock around the “regularization of foreign workers in shortage occupations”, several right-wing senators pleaded with the executive to remove the provision from the bill and formalize it in a circular. Enough to satisfy the LR deputies who make the deletion of this article a condition for their vote, but also the left of the majority who want to measure. Problem, Gérald Darmanin is reluctant to associate his name with a regularization circular, which would stick to his action. And even if Olivier Dussopt assumed the regulatory text, Elisabeth Borne is not very satisfied with this option either. She would prefer that this symbol of the left be voted in due form by Parliament. There remains the hypothesis of a complete abandonment of the idea by the government.

When Borne counts women

Two is not much. In any case, this is the opinion of Elisabeth Borne who, according to a participant, was a little twitchy when she noticed that she and Aurore Bergé, Minister of Solidarity and Families, were the only women to take place around Emmanuel Macron for the unexpected meeting – and revealed by Le Figaro – organized on Tuesday 29 August. The president had indeed invited eleven ministers to reflect with him on his “major political initiative” without everyone understanding why some were ousted and others invited. On the other hand, the tenant of Matignon, very attentive to the question of the place of women in society, has understood that parity in Macronie still seems a distant dream. Anxious, as always, to show roundness, she allowed herself a loud and intelligible remark at the start of the meeting, ironically, in essence, about the large number of female guests around the table. Result ? The same evening, the Head of State dined with the leaders of the majority and his close political guard. With only one woman around the tablecloth, Yaël Braun-Pivet.

RN desperately looking for mole

Mole hunting is open to the National Gathering. In the European Parliament, the frontists have closed ranks since several of them deserted to join the ranks of Eric Zemmour. Problem: the zemmourists have continued for months to have access to information from the RN group, in particular the voting lists. Which, at the very least, annoys the troops of Jordan Bardella. Internally, we wonder: Who can transmit these documents to the enemy? Answer, all smiles, on the Zemmour side: “The poor, if only there was only one person!”

Macron and Darmanin’s “fault”

We knew that the president had little taste for the interview given by Gérald Darmanin to La Voix du Nord before his political return to Tourcoing. Suggesting the lack of coherence of presidential and governmental action and judging a victory for Marine Le Pen in 2027 “fairly probable”, the Minister of the Interior did not go with dead hands. So much so that Emmanuel Macron, in private, called this interview a “mistake”, nothing less. “Gérald Darmanin is the co-author of the brilliant and successful record of the past six years”, recalls a close friend of the president, as if to explain the presidential anger. If the tenant of Place Beauvau was seen playing a game of bourle (tourquennois game, editor’s note) with Elisabeth Borne during his return to school, he will not a priori be seen playing in the gardens of the Elysée for a little while .

A “Pécresse” destiny for Carole Delga?

Will go? Won’t go? In the long list of potential candidates on the left, there is Carole Delga, PS president of the Occitanie region. The person concerned sweeps away any presidential ambition out of hand, as is customary at four years from the queen deadline. Nevertheless, she “muscles her national game”, whispers one of her loyal supporters who is surprised to see her so often in Paris, “always discreetly”. Translation: she multiplies the interested and interesting meetings, meets former socialists such as Najat Vallaud-Belkacem recently, senior officials, big bosses and other “spindoctor”, and of course the small Parisian media world who does not go to the South- West too rarely to assess its local popularity. Grinning comment from our source, yet ready to follow Delga in the adventure: “Xavier Bertrand and Valérie Pécresse were also excellent regional presidents in 2022…” In all friendship.

Royal, are you shooting or pointing?

Ségolène Royal top of the Nupes list for the Europeans? A minister laughs: “You have to tell her that being an MEP is not being an ambassador for the poles. If she doesn’t point, she isn’t paid!” The former candidate for the Elysée had been ambassador in charge of international negotiations for the Arctic and Antarctic poles and for a little over two years, appointed by Emmanuel Macron before being dismissed from his post.
