No taxi strike – deal done

This means that the notice of strike, which had broken out on Monday, September 4, has been called off. The announced blockade is also withdrawn.

The new agreement lands within the framework of the so-called brand and is extended from two years to 26 months. The total salary increase amounts to 4.4 percent in 2023 and 3.58 percent next year.

In kronor, this means 1,300 kroner for those with a collective wage and four years in the profession in year one, and 1,080 kroner the following year, according to Transport.

Transport calls the increases stable.

“Number of years in the profession will now pay off more,” comments the union in a press release.

For the employers, the agreement means “working peace and stable conditions”, according to the Biltrafiken Arbetsgivarförbund.

“At the same time, the agreement poses challenges for many companies that are already struggling with high overheads,” says Annika Nordin, head of negotiations, in a written comment.
