Tidö gang in trouble – SD wants to port L from press meeting

Tido gang in trouble SD wants to port L
full screenFredrik Malm, Liberals. Photo: Christine Olsson/TT

A big fight has broken out in the Tidögänget and the Sweden Democrats are demanding that the Liberals’ top name be removed from a planned press meeting, according to information to Aftonbladet.

The issue is about the so-called “indicator law” where the parties are very far apart.

– The Sweden Democrats want to have Fredrik Malm poked from the press conference to avoid open conflicts, says a source with transparency.

According to information given to Aftonbladet, the Tidö parties are planning to hold a press conference tomorrow about the so-called reporting obligation. The proposal means that municipalities and authorities will have an obligation to report undocumented people to the Swedish Migration Agency and the Swedish Police Agency. Many in the Liberals are deeply critical of the fact that the law should also include teachers, one of them is the Member of Parliament and school policy spokesperson Fredrik Malm.

He believes that the Convention on the Rights of the Child applies in Sweden and that the law cannot therefore cover teachers.

Don’t want to risk open conflict

According to an SD source with transparency, Fredrik Malm’s actions have angered the SD to the point that the party is now demanding that he be removed from the planned press conference.

– He has made several statements that the proposal goes against the Convention on the Rights of the Child. It risks leading to an open conflict at the press conference, says the SD source.

On Wednesday morning, information was released in the Sweden Democrats about the situation that had arisen.

– It is an upset atmosphere that L is constantly trying to undermine the Tidö agreement. Many are getting tired, says an SD source.

full screen A big brawl has broken out in the Tidö gang. Photo: Lotte Fernvall

Make incorrect interpretations

Another SD source has the same setting:

– There is irritation that he chooses to precede an investigation. Fredrik Malm makes incorrect interpretations to reassure his voters.

According to Aftonbladet’s information, SD’s demand is that the Liberals replace Fredrik Malm with another liberal politician at tomorrow’s press conference.

– There is a risk that the entire press conference will be canceled otherwise, says an SD source.

Aftonbladet has sought Fredrik Malm, the Sweden Democrats and the Liberals’ press taber, but no one has returned with an answer.
