The judge ordered Trump’s trial to begin before Super Tuesday — Trump says he will appeal

The judge ordered Trumps trial to begin before Super Tuesday

Former US President Donald Trump says on his Truth Social platform that he will complain about the Washington DC trial schedule.

of the former President of the United States Donald Trump’s the trial is scheduled to begin just one day before America’s so-called Super Tuesday.

In the United States, a federal judge Tanya Chutkan has scheduled former President Donald Trump’s trial for attempting to overturn the 2020 presidential election to begin in early March.

The exact date is March 4, and it’s just a day before the so-called Super Tuesday, when more than a dozen US states vote for the Republican presidential candidate.

At that time, the Republican primaries will take place in, among other things, the two most populous states in the United States, California and Texas. Texas is a strong Republican constituency. Trump is the early favorite for the Republican presidential nomination.

According to CNN the prosecutors of the case would have wanted the trial to begin in January 2024, and Trump’s defense in April 2026.

– Setting a trial date does not depend on the professional obligations of the defense, so Mr. Trump just has to put the date on the calendar, Judge Chutkan said, referring to the defense’s desire to postpone the trial for more than two years.

Trump says he will appeal

Trump commented on the judge’s decision on his own social media channel, Truth Social, where he called for the entire case to be dismissed. In addition, Trump called the prosecutor Jack Smith “insane”. The sitting president of the United States also got his share of the looting Joe Biden.

According to the former president, setting the date before Super Tuesday was election interference.

Trump also announced on Truth Social that he plans to appeal the March 2024 trial schedule where he is accused of trying to overturn the 2020 presidential election results.

– Today, a biased, Trump-hating judge only gave me a two-month reprieve, just like our corrupt government wanted. I’m going to appeal!, Trump wrote on Truth Social.

However, Trump did not say in his publication how or when the appeal would be filed. It’s also unclear whether Trump can actually appeal the trial date, let alone succeed.

According to legal experts it is not possible to appeal the court date until a judgment has been given in the case.

– He can try, but it’s a huge uphill climb, said CNN’s senior legal analyst Elie Honig.

According to Honig, the appeal would be an “interim appeal” that would require special permission from the court.

– Even if Trump gets the right to appeal, it is very rare to overturn a district court judge’s scheduling decision.

During Monday’s hearing, which set a trial date of March 4, Trump’s attorney John Lauro promised to follow the judge’s scheduling decision despite being dissatisfied with it.

Trump denied the charges in early August at the courthouse. This time, the ex-president did not show up for the hearing in Washington. The trial has been characterized as one of the largest criminal trials in US history.

Four different charges

Trump is currently a suspect in four different cases, two of which were brought by Smith.

In two other cases, charges have been brought by prosecutors in the states of New York and Georgia.

In March, Trump will face court in New York because he is suspected of being a porn actress during the 2016 presidential election to Stormy Daniels ambiguities related to the money paid.

With the money, the former president allegedly tried to buy the woman’s silence about the two’s relationship. In addition, Trump is suspected of unauthorized possession of classified documents, and his trial is scheduled to begin in May.

In addition to this, Trump is accused of election crimes related to the presidential election in the state of Georgia. It has not yet been decided whether the Georgia trial will begin. The next US presidential election will be held at the end of 2024.

Sources: STT, Reuters
