New power struggle in Botkyrka after the ABF mess – M wants to form a new majority

New power struggle in Botkyrka after the ABF mess
full screenStina Lundgren. Photo: Press photo

After the tangle around ABF and the Social Democrats in Botkyrka, the Moderates are now trying to take over power in the municipality.

Talks must be held with all parties and M does not rule out also negotiating with the controversial party Nyans.

– We want to put an end to this soup, says local M-top Stina Lundgren.

This weekend, the political tangle in Botkyrka took new turns when the Social Democrats kicked the Center Party out of the local government.

The reason must be cooperation difficulties.

Now the Moderates in Botkyrka are making an advance and will try to create a new team that can take power from the minority government S, MP, KD and L, which Middle of was the first to report.

– We are open to talks and will talk to all parties that want a new, secure government. A board that prioritizes the right instead of having the playhouse that is now. We wanted to give Emanuel Ksiazkiewicz (S) a chance to see what he could salvage from this tangle, says the Moderates’ group leader in Botkyrka, Stina Lundgren, to Aftonbladet.

– But now that you still choose to fire part of the board, you understand that there are continuing problems in the middle minority. Then we feel that the people of Botkyrka deserve more. It has been a year since the election, now that will be enough.

It was in January that S-toppen Ebba Östlin was voted out at a members’ meeting under coup-like forms.

full screenABF Penitkyrka. Photo: Henrik Montgomery/TT

According to Ebba Östlin and her phalanx in the party, ABF Botkyrka was the driving force in the vote after the municipality, with Ebba Östlin at the helm, decided to close several ABF leisure centers because they were identified as haunts for criminals.

Now the Moderates in Botkyrka have had enough and want to attract parties in the municipality to form a new majority in the municipality. The plan is to hold talks in the coming weeks in order to be able to present an alternative in time for the municipal council meeting in September.

M holds only 10 out of 75 mandates in the municipality and will therefore need to assemble a broad coalition of different parties.

– We want to put an end to this soup, says Stina Lundgren.

Locally, the controversial party Nyans has a mandate in the municipal council. The moderates will talk to everyone, including Nyans, in their attempts to form a majority.

– We talk to everyone.

Stina Lundgren says that meetings are scheduled, with which parties she does not want to reveal.

Even if Nyans is to be contacted and talks held, she sees that it may be difficult to come to an agreement with the party, which, among other things, wants Muslims to be recognized as a national minority group in the constitution and that Islamophobia be given its own criminal classification.

– I find it difficult to see a collaboration with Nyans because our values ​​are very, very far apart. Therefore, I find it difficult to see that they can agree on a moderate policy.
