In Sweden, a Swedish-Russian man was charged with espionage – helped Russia pass the sanctions

In Sweden a Swedish Russian man was charged with espionage

According to the indictment, the man has worked in several companies and handled, among other things, orders for satellite technology from Russia.

In Sweden, charges of espionage have been brought against a 60-year-old Swedish-Russian man, according to the Swedish media.

The man is suspected of having worked for the Russian intelligence service GRU for almost ten years. The man and his wife were arrested in a major operation last year, they say, among other things Swedish television SVT and Aftonbladet newspaper.

The wife was also initially suspected of espionage, but she is no longer a suspect. Charges will be brought against the man today, Monday.

“You endangered the security of both Sweden and the United States”

The suspected crime is related to the acquisition of military technology. The man is suspected of having acquired both information and goods for Russia, which the armed forces have otherwise not received due to the sanctions imposed against Russia due to the war in Ukraine.

The man is considered to have endangered the security of both Sweden and the United States. The US Federal Police FBI has participated in the investigation of the case.

According to the indictment, the acquisition took place, among other things, through a company that sells industrial equipment.

– In practice, he has received orders from the Russian army for what they need, including satellite communication technology, says SVT’s security reporter John Granlund.

The man denies the charges. He lived in Sweden for 25 years and got the country’s citizenship in 2015.
