Children’s clinic for post-covid is threatened with closure

Sweden’s only reception for children affected by post-covid is threatened with closure.
– It is an unwise decision because it is such a small cost for a group with very great suffering,” says Per Ertzgaard, the chief physician at the clinic.

The reception at the university hospital in Linköping has existed for three years and is the only one in the country that works with the rehabilitation of post-covid-ill children. It also conducts research, reports Sweden’s Radio Echo.

The reason for the threat of closure is the large deficit of one billion that Region Östergötland has, something that now risks affecting the reception’s future.

Most children who contract post-covid are in their teens and they often suffer from headaches, sensitivity to sound and persistent fatigue.

– We have those who have almost no schooling for several years, and then life is completely ended, says Per Ertzgaard to Ekot.

The reception, which works with rehabilitation and research, has received patients from Östergötland, Kalmar and Jönköping counties, and if it is not closed, the plans are to open up to the whole country.
