Tahitian first name for girl: more than 50 Polynesian inspirations

Tahitian first name for girl more than 50 Polynesian inspirations

Female names from Tahiti are very pretty. With a beautiful meaning, rare, short, starting with a specific letter… Our selection of the most beautiful Tahitians for girls.

If Tahiti is a French island, those who are not from French Polynesia are often unaware of many things about its culture. However, this region of the world has a lot to offer us! And this is true for first names. Whether they are of Tahitian or French origin, adapted to Tahitian culture, the Polynesian first names from Tahiti for little girls are sublime. They often have beautiful, very poetic meanings. In addition, they are rare in France, and this can satisfy parents looking for originality. They can also provide an opportunity to pay homage to one’s own Tahitian origins.

The most beautiful meanings of female Tahitian names

THE Tahitian names for girls have beautiful meanings. Moana, Heiura, Mahana, Tehani… Discover their meaning.

EvaEeva means “the star that rises at night”
HeiuraIt means “crown of feathers” or “crown of fire”
HinaIt can mean “little girl” or “little flower”. Hina also means “moon” in Hawaiian.
MaevaThis name means “welcome”
MahanaMahana is a first name meaning “sun”
MoanaThis first name means “ocean” in Tahitian and “child” in Maori.
PoeivaIt means “shiny pearl”
PoeravaThis name means “black pearl”
RaihereIts meaning is “loved by heaven”
tahia“Dear and pampered princess” is her meaning
TehaniThis name means “darling girl”
TitainaIt means “little flower”
MoanaIts meaning is “rock water”
VaimalamaWorn by a Miss France, this first name means “source of light”
VaitiareThis name means “flower water”

What are some rare Tahitian girl names?

In France, female Tahitian first names remain rare. Even the Tahitian versions of French first names, created by the missionaries who arrived on the island who adapted biblical or Saint names to the Tahitian pronunciation and alphabet, are not very attributed, but very pretty like: Agnete (Agnès), Ameria and Amiria (Amélia or Amélie), Atera (Adèle), Atonia (Antoinette), Iveta (Yvette), Matarena (Madeleine), Matira (Mathilde), Mere (Marie), Rahera (Rachel), Ruita (Louise), Tepora (Déborah), or even Titaua (Désirée).

Feminine first names purely of Tahitian origin are also rare in France, likeEnoha, Hawaiki, Heilani, Heipua, Hinate, Hinarau, Hinareva, Iva, or even Manavaï. We also really like Tahitian names for girls such as Moeari’i, Nahini, Poehere, Pomare, Rahere, Taoahere, Tevairai and Unaanui.

List of Tahitian baby girl names by letter

Some sounds are more pleasant to us to hear than others. It is therefore normal to look for a first name beginning with the letter that produces it! In M, in U, and in T, here are our ideas for female Tahitian names.

In M

One of the most famous Tahitians is undoubtedly Mareva Galanter, who was elected Miss France 1999. That of her daughter, Manavameans “welcome” in Tahitian. Maima, Mahana, Mateata, Mateia, Moaeata and Maimiti are other cute Tahitian girl names starting with M.


On the side of female Tahitian names in U, we like Uira, a mixed name which means “lightning”, but also Unaanui, Unutea, Urima and U’upa.


They, Teura, Tereva, Terena, Toahere... There are many female names beginning with T in Tahitian culture! We really like Tiare, which means “flower”, Tetarina, a Tahitian variant of Cesarine, Tihotia which is a version of Giorgia, and Tevai which means “water”. Tepua and Toareia are two other female Tahitian given names in T.

What are the short names for girls of Tahitian origin?

Short first names appeal to parents, who can find happiness in Tahitian first names for their little girl. WE love Hura, Heiata, Rava, Puaiti, Vaima, Nahei, Reva and Vatea. As for short Tahitian names for girls with pretty meanings, we can offer you Poe (“pearl”), Hauata (“cloud of peace, peaceful cloud”), Moe (“dream”) and Miti (“the sea”). . Maea, Maire, Taina and Reva are other beautiful short Tahitian names for girls.
