(Finance) – Based on data published by Eurostat in 2022 the sector cultural in the EU it employed 7.7 million people, or 3.8% of total employment. Compared to 2021, it indicates an increase of 4.5% from 7.4 million. The share of people employed in the cultural sector increased in 19 EU members and decreased in the other 8. The most significant increases were recorded in Cyprus (+21.5%), Luxembourg (+14.5%), Ireland (+14.0%), Sweden (+11.9%) and Netherlands (+10.5%). Meanwhile, the most significant decreases were recorded in Bulgaria (-7.7%), the Czech Republic (-7.3%), Croatia (-6.3%), Estonia (-5.3%) and Latvia ( -2.5%).
Over the period 2019-2022, different patterns for rates are noted annual variation During the years. The most significant increases in the annual rates of change in employment in the cultural sector were observed at Cyprus, which went from -5.7% in 2019-2020 to +21.5% in 2021-2022, Luxembourg (-15.1% to +14.5%) and Ireland (-3.0% to + 14.0%). The more substantial decreases they registered in Czech Republicwhich fell from +5.3% in 2019-2020 to -7.3% in 2021-2022, Croatia (from +6.3% to -6.3%) and Bulgaria (from +4.1% to -7.7%).
France, Lithuania and Portugal were the only EU countries with an increase in employment in the cultural sector between both 2019-2020 and 2021-2022. On the other hand, Estonia is the only EU country that recorded a decline in both periods.
Since 2013, the number of women in the cultural sector is increasing across the European Union, except in 2020. In 2022, the cultural sector had the smallest gender employment gap ever recorded, with a difference of just 1.6 percentage points, corresponding to 3.93 million men and women. 3.80 million women (50.8% and 49.2%) employed in the sector. The picture varies slightly across EU members, with women outnumbering the share men working in the cultural sector in 14 countries. High differences in the percentages, in favor of women in cultural occupation, were recorded in Latvia (26.3 pp difference between women and men), Lithuania (25.7 pp), Cyprus (17.1 pp), Bulgaria ( 13.6 pp) and Luxembourg (13.3 pp). ).
On the other hand, countries with the gap occupational of higher gender in the cultural sector were Malta (21.6 pp difference between the share of men and women), Spain (9.5 pp), Ireland and Italy (about 8.5 pp).