200 monster hunters must search for “Nessie”

The Loch Ness monster, or Nessie as she is also called, has remained a myth for hundreds of years. No one has managed to capture or photograph her, or indeed prove her existence, since she was first glimpsed in the Middle Ages. But now around 200 enthusiasts have to remedy the situation. It reports Washington Post.

Loch Ness is 36 kilometers long and more than 200 meters deep, making it a challenge to explore properly. Several other expeditions and surveys of the lake have been carried out over the years. According to BBC promise the organizers that this weekend’s hunt will be the biggest since the association Loch Ness Investigation Bureau carried out its study in 1972.

A high-tech monster hunt

But this time, it’s not just the number of monster hunters that will make the difference. They will also be better equipped. According to the organizers, they will use drones, infrared cameras and a hydrophone that can detect sound signals from almost 20 meters into the water. And they have been asked to document everything they see.

The hunt will be available to view via live streamand the organizers will conduct a survey over the weekend to see if any skeptics might be converted in the process.
