These are the current 10 most unpopular champions

Currently, League of Legends has 164 different playable champions in its roster. Of course, it’s normal for some champions to be played more often than others. Then, at the bottom of the list are champions that many new players may not have seen.

Where do we get the stats from? Our figures refer to the statistics from the site The site collects and aggregates the data from LoL matches. In this list we are referring to the dates of solo ranked matches and all ranks, whether low or high, and the last month as the period. (Status: 26.08.2023 12:41)

It’s always hard to say why some champions are barely played. In the following article we try to find an explanation, but this is only based on speculation and evaluation of the numbers. We also determine the main role of the champions through statistics.

10. clothes

main role: topplane | pick rate: 1.88% | Win Rate: 51.62%

Kled actually has a really good win rate. Why he is rarely played might be due to his mechanic with his mount. You have to learn and be able to play 2 styles of play in order to prove yourself with Kled on the top plane.

A lane that has a lot of champions that work more through simple and blunt design. Its visual design, along with all the human characters reminiscent of anime characters, probably also detracts from its popularity.

9. Kog’Maw

main role: Bot Lane | pick rate: 1.87% | Win Rate: 51.1%

Kog’Maw also has a solid winrate and was actually able to work well with the Guinsoos changes early in the midseason. But for Kog’Maw you also need good mechanical skill, since he mainly benefits from kiting and his skillshots.

He’s also very immobile and without his team, he’s difficult to defend against assassins that are currently being played in the meta. Generally a tough champ to play, but skill is rewarded as evidenced by the winrate.

8. Galio

main role: midlane | pick rate: 1.82% | Win Rate: 49.68%

Galio has never had a good standing in the community. He was unpopular before his rework, and as the current numbers show, he is now. As a midlaner, he’s a fairly leisurely champion that works as a tank and is mostly good against mages.

These are currently rarely represented in the midlane, and his ultimate also makes him a champion who prefers to play with his team rather than carry the game alone. Champions like Zed, Yasuo or Akali tend to be solo carries in the midlane.

7. Taric

main role: Support| pick rate: 1.7% | Win Rate: 51.49%

The few players who play Taric are actually quite successful with him. Everything about Taric is about timing, both his Ultimate and an E ability are powerful spells if timed right. At the same time, Taric is very dependent on mana, and you need to be able to manage it.

But Taric is also very dependent on the teammate he’s linked to, and they need to keep in mind how Taric’s abilities work. Champions like Thresh or Blitzcrank can always offer the team fast and efficient openings, even with a bad ADC. Many champions can even improve his healing.

6. bard

main role: Support | pick rate: 1.64% | Win Rate: 49.31%

Bard is one of the most unique champions in LoL. His kit works by roaming the map and collecting his passive ability. At the same time, you have to do it at the right time, otherwise your own ADC will be alone in the lane against 2 opponents.

A lot of bard matches fail because of this. While Bard can dish out properly, champions like Lux can do it even better without leaving lane. His ultimate is also difficult to use and can even damage your own team if used badly.
