I can’t feel baby moving: why, when to worry?

I cant feel baby moving why when to worry

Some pregnant women may not feel their baby move. From when do we feel the movements of the fetus in utero and when to worry if baby does not move during pregnancy? Update with midwife Nadège Durand.

The fact of feeling your baby move in your belly during pregnancy is said in medical terms “active fetal movements“. But not all women feel baby move from the start of pregnancy. Sometimes baby moves a little less, but nothing abnormal about that, maybe he is just sleeping! Should you be worried if baby does not move? Here are some tips from midwife Nadège Durand.

When do you feel baby moving?

“There are mothers who, from the end of the 3rd month of pregnancybegin to feel little bubbles in their belly” notes midwife Nadège Durand. However, in general, the mother-to-be will have to wait until 4th month, even in the 5th month of pregnancy to start feel the baby’s first movements in-utero. And these will last until delivery.

Does baby move every day?

In principle, you are supposed to feel your baby moving every day. Not necessarily every hour, but regularly during the day. However, at the end of pregnancyeven if your baby keeps moving, you may feel it less frequently. The reason ? He grows up and begins to feel cramped to chain somersaults.

Why does baby move less?

Why does baby move at certain times and less so at others? In fact, it all depends on the babies. Some will fidget more in the evening, others in the middle of the night or in the morning. What is certain is that in principle your baby moves more after your meals. Especially if you ate sweets, because sugar passes very quickly into the blood and has an almost immediate effect on your fetus.

Maybe also that if you can’t feel it movingit is simply because he sleeps. “But that doesn’t mean he stays motionless for several hours because a fetus has sleep ranges of about 20 minutes” reveals Nadège Durand.

Another possible explanation for your baby moving less than usual: you had a stressful day. First, because your belly is more tense in case of tension and also because your baby is a real sponge and feels all your emotions. Often you feel like it hasn’t moved for several hours when it is because you were focused on something else and just paid less attention to it. Or suggests the midwife: maybe he made lighter moves.”

“A baby who does not move well is a baby who does not move for more than 8 hours” warns Nadège Durand. Are you worried because he usually moves at this time, or do you realize it’s been a while since you’ve felt him move? Try one of tips below to stimulate it and encourage him to show up.

“A baby who does not move well is a baby who does not move for more than 8 hours”.

Lie down and give yourself 5 minutes of relaxation

Installed this way, your baby should have more room and feel more comfortable fidgeting. feel free to stimulate your belly along the way to see if your baby reacts.

Eat a sweet food or drink

And in particular a square of chocolate which usually has a drastic effect : a few seconds after putting it in your mouth, you should feel your baby move. Swallow a large glass of ice water should also produce the same result.

Put on some music, watch a movie

Preferably choose a bass-based piece, the instrument he hears best (just as he reacts more to often lower-pitched male voices), it is very likely that he will start dancing in your belly! You can also watch a movie to relax.

Baby no longer moves in my belly: how long to wait to consult?

If despite your attempts to stimulate him, you feel that he is not moving or less than usual, you better go to the emergency room to do a control, within 2 hours or 3 hours after concentrating to try to get it moving. You can then be reassured at the maternity ward, by carrying out a check-up. “Monitoring will then be carried out to listen to the baby’s heart and make sure he is well” concludes Nadège Durand.
