Write-off series surprisingly renewed for season 2

Write off series surprisingly renewed for season 2

Netflix grants wishes but also breaks hearts. With every series cancellation, there are countless fans who have to ask themselves, puzzled and sad, why the plug was pulled with their darling of all things. But it also seems to work the other way around: The Danish series Befertilt is now getting a second season. And that’s almost 15 months after Season 1.

Netflix surprise: RomCom about pregnancy gets season 2

In Inseminated, renowned doctor Nana (Josephine Park) uses a sperm sample to conceive herself on a drunken whim. The next day, the idea doesn’t look quite so grandiose. In addition to heavy feelings of guilt must, among other things the conversation with the unsuspecting father can be managed.

As Netflix has now announced, Fertilized is getting a second season. There, Nana returns to her job after the birth of her child and has to balance motherhood and career. Many fans will be happy about the sequel, but not about the wait: after all almost 15 months have passed since the Netflix launch of the series in June 2022.

When is Fertilized Season 2 coming to Netflix?

Unfortunately, there is currently no official start date for the second season of Fertilized. Based on the current state of production against us at the earliest of one Release late 2024 out of.

Podcast: Is Ahsoka Bringing Back the Old Star Wars Feel?

With Ahsoka, the 5th live-action series from the Star Wars universe brings us back to a galaxy far, far away. The promising start convinces with a lot of Star Wars nostalgia. You can currently stream the series on Disney+.

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