ICC, completion of Intesa Sanpaolo Vita’s entry into the capital

International Care Company Intesa Sanpaolo Vita enters the capital with

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – International Care CompanyICC, the Italian company leader in assistance services, announces that the closing of the entry transaction of Intesa Sanpaolo Vita, parent company of the Intesa Sanpaolo Vita Insurance Group, within the share capital of ICC was completed today.

The transaction envisaged a share capital increase with the exclusion of the option right, reserved for Intesa Sanpaolo Vita for an amount including the share premium equal to a maximum of Euro 500,507.7, through the issue of no. 238,337 new ordinary shares at a subscription price of Euro 2.10 per share – of which Euro 1.14 as share capital and Euro 0.96 as share premium; a purchase and sale of shares between FD Holding, controlling shareholder of ICC, and Intesa Sanpaolo Vita, pursuant to which FD Holding sold to Intesa Sanpaolo Vita no. 238,338 ordinary shares of ICC at the same price of Euro 2.10 per share.
