Fancy a challenge? Here are 7 plants that are difficult to care for

Difficult to look after but irresistibly beautiful – in the world of the garden, there are some plants that place extra high demands on their caretakers. They are sensitive, require special conditions and can be a real challenge for even the most experienced gardener. But when everything clicks, the reward is a garden or a home that takes your breath away. Here is a list of the seven most challenging plants to care for.

1. Orchids

These exotic beauties require specific light, water and soil conditions. Too much or too little of anything can cause problems, so keeping the balance is key.

How to care for your orchids – a guide

2. Bonsai tree

Caring for a bonsai tree can be an art form in itself. It requires careful pruning, watering and repotting, and each individual species has its own particular needs.

3. African violet

This plant is known for its sensitivity to light and water. It requires indirect light and a steady supply of water to thrive.

4. Venus flytrap

Caring for this carnivorous plant can be tricky. It needs specific light, soil and humidity levels, and improper care can quickly lead to its death.

5. Fuchsia

Fuchsia requires specific watering and pruning, as well as the right temperature and light conditions. It is a plant that absolutely must not dry out and it needs the right amount of light to bloom.

6. Azalea

This beautiful flower can be difficult to care for due to its need for acidic soil and specific water levels. In addition, it must be placed in a place with the right lighting conditions.

7. Gardenia

Gardenian is known for its wonderful fragrance, but it can be quite capricious when it comes to care. It needs a lot of light, high humidity and an acidic soil to thrive.

Read more here:

Beginner? Here are the plants that are the easiest to take care of
