Swallowing a wasp, what are the risks?

Swallowing a wasp what are the risks

Swallowing a wasp presents several risks. What are the health hazards? What are the emergency actions to adopt?

Wasp, bee, hornet… Hymenoptera are not naturally aggressive. Female insects sting if disturbed or feel threatened. The wasp has a sting (or sting) that does not stay in the skin, unlike the sting of the bee. Wasps are particularly attracted to meat and sugar, so you can accidentally swallow a wasp while drinking your soda. However, swallowing a wasp can be dangerous. Find out what are the health risks and emergency procedures to adopt.

Wasp sting in the mouth: risk of inflammation

If a person swallows a wasp, the wasp is likely to puncture the oral mucosa. By stinging with its sting, the insect releases its venom, the latter causing inflammatory phenomena. The mucous membrane swells, reddens and may itch. The local reaction is greater in the event of a hornet sting because of the length of its stinger, which is greater than that of the wasp. Often the reaction disappears within a few hours.

► Good reflexes if you swallow a wasp and you are not allergic: “if you get stung in the mouth by a waspyou have to go to the hospital, points out Doctor Jean-Pierre Mercier, general practitioner. A wasp sting in the mouth can be dangerous. To the hospital, cortisone will be given to you. You will pass an ENT examination and you will be placed under medical supervision”.

Swallowing a wasp: allergic reaction

In people allergic to Hymenoptera venom, the local reaction in the event of a sting is often much greater. A small amount of venom is enough to trigger symptoms, such as:

  • A swelling lips, tongue or throat;
  • Of the nausea, vomiting or diarrhea;
  • A pallor complexion;
  • Of the fever, chills.

Swallowing a wasp: angioedema

In case of venom allergy, bulky edema may appear during a wasp sting in the mouth or throat. There voltage can drop, the person can make faintness. The neck, lips or mouth may swell: breathing difficulties appear, signs ofangioedema (angioedema or laryngeal spasm). In the most severe cases, urgent medical attention is essential. The most serious risk when swallowing a wasp is the anaphylactic shock, including laryngeal spasm.

► The right reflex if you swallow a wasp and you are allergic: the first reflex, when a person knows that he is allergic to Hymenoptera venom, is to always have an emergency kit and a self-injectable adrenaline pen. In the event of a wasp sting, use the pen: position it at the top of the thigh, on the outside and press the button for 10 seconds. The person must then be lying in the lateral safety position while waiting for help to arrivethen contact medical emergencies on 112 or 15.

Swallow a wasp: the right reflexes

“Above all, don’t go tampering with your mouth to try to catch the waspasks Doctor Mercier. Don’t put your fingers in your mouth. Instead try to breathe calmly by bringing in air through the nose and expelling it through the mouth to try to get the wasp out. In the event of a wasp sting in the mouth or in the throat, whether you are allergic or not, go to the emergency room or contact the SAMUbecause the risks are majorconfesses the doctor. In the presence of a wasp or a bee, you must stay calm, don’t panic him and patiently wait for it to go away. It is by making sudden gestures that she risks stinging.”

Thanks to doctor Jean-Pierre Mercier, general practitioner.
