Baldur’s Gate 3 appears for Xbox – but one console is missing out on one feature

Baldur’s Gate 3 will be released on PS5 on September 6th. When it will be released for the Xbox, it was not clear until now. Now there is news: The role-playing game is scheduled to move to Xbox at the end of 2023. But one of the consoles gets nothing from a feature.

  • Baldur’s Gate 3 developers made smart marketing decisions and timed it perfectly for the PS5 release.
  • One fan was very worried about the late preload on the PS5 – Larian Studios reacted immediately and were able to give the all-clear.
  • However, Larian Studios faced a problem when it came to releasing Baldur’s Gate 3 on Xbox. As a result, there was no precise information about a release on the Microsoft console.
  • In the video you will learn exciting facts and figures about the role-playing game hit on Steam:

    Baldur’s Gate 3 was played the equivalent of 1,225 years on the first release weekend – exciting facts and figures

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    Baldur’s Gate 3 is slated to hit Xbox later this year

    This is the problem: The Baldur’s Gate 3 development team faced a problem with the game’s split-screen mode. This should be integrated on the Xbox Series X, but also on the Xbox Series S, but the performance of the split screen is a challenge.

    In a post on X (formerly Twitter) on Aug. 24, developer Swen Vincke wrote that the team has now found a solution after sitting down with Xbox boss Phil Spencer. Here’s how they can bring Baldur’s Gate 3 to Xbox later this year:

    I am very pleased to confirm that following our meeting with Phil Spencer yesterday we have found a solution that will allow us to bring Baldur’s Gate 3 to Xbox for players later this year. This is something we’ve been working on for quite some time.

    All improvements will be present, including split-screen co-op on Series X. Series S will not have split-screen co-op, but will also include cross-platform progress saving between Steam and Xbox Series.

    Swen Vincke via X

    What does this mean for the Xbox Series S? The Xbox Series S has to do without the split-screen mode. According to the online magazine Kotaku, this means that playing online together is not impossible, but you would have to switch to a Series X if you want to control several characters together on the same system (via Kotaku).

    Here’s how the community is reacting: A user writes that he is not waiting for the split-screen mode, but to finally be able to play the game (via X). Many users ask in the comments whether split-screen will be added to the Xbox Series S later. Some write that the console is probably not strong enough for this.

    Although Baldur’s Gate 3 captivates many players, there are a few stumbling blocks. There are persistent bugs in the game runs. Especially in the third act, the difficulties accumulate, some players report performance problems on their PCs.

    One player advises to wait patiently before continuing to play:

    Baldur’s Gate 3: Players with tens of hours of play give unusual tip for more fun – “Just wait”
