Why does the heat tire us so much?

Why does the heat tire us so much

The outside temperatures are high, your body seems exhausted and you are really slowing down. This is normal, explains our general practitioner.

The glands activate when it’s hot

When it’s hot, naturally, the body gets tired faster. “To regulate the internal temperature, the body triggers its defense system, explains Dr. Mercier, general practitioner. The thyroid gland secretes more hormones to regulate body functions. The body draws on its reserves and gets tired more quickly. THE adrenal glands also produce more cortisol, the stress hormone. Cortisol levels rise in the blood, responsible for physical exhaustion.” In addition, a scientific study published in April 2028 in Science Dailyreveals that the stress hormones increase as outside temperatures rise. According to the results, and contrary to popular ideas, we are more stressed in summer than in winter. However, we know that stress affects the body and tires the body.

A lack of hydration

The balance between the body’s fluids must always be maintained, especially during hot weather. Indeed, when the body is properly hydrated, the organs and glands function optimally. In a healthy subject, the functions of the body are well regulated when thehydration is sufficient. However, many people wait until they are thirsty to drink water. But when it’s hot, losses of water and mineral salts must be compensated in order to maintain the water balance from the body. To prevent dehydration, Dr. Mercier has an infallible trick. “Before getting up in the morning, take the time to drink a small bottle of water. The water gradually reaches your organs. Well hydrated, they function normally and thus, the body is less exhausted in the face of heat.

A dietary imbalance

Diet is also the basis of overall good health. According to the general practitioner, “in case of heat, the body gets tired because of a lack of food. The priority is to eat fresh fruits and vegetables at every meal. Plants contain a set of essential vitamins for the body. Fruits and vegetables should be eaten at every meal and ideally, eat fresh fruit in the morning.”


Certain drugs or medical treatments tire the body, such as:

In case of high heat, alcoholic, sugary or caffeinated drinks are not recommended

  • THE benzodiazepines : sleeping pills and anxiolytics;
  • THE antihistamines ;
  • THE opiates : codeine, morphine;
  • THE beta-blockers ;
  • THE anticancer ;
  • THE antiarrhythmics;
  • interferon ;
  • THE drugs diuretics.

Prevent heat exhaustion

Prevention of fatigue caused by heat is possible. First, it is necessary to have quality sleep and getting enough sleep. Hydrate before getting up and throughout the day, even while being inactive, without waiting for the feeling of thirst prevents dehydration. In case of high heat, alcoholic, sugary or caffeinated drinks are not recommended. Try to stay in a cool place as often as possible and do not hesitate to use a water mister and a fan. If possible, take a cool shower. Wear light, loose clothing and favor natural materials such as cotton. Take care of babies, children and the elderly: give them something to drink regularly to prevent their bodies from getting tired.

Thanks to doctor Jean-Pierre Mercier, general practitioner.
