The replacement should make everything better

At League of Legends, Riot Games will remove the mode that has been in the game for 14 years and has hardly changed: But the “Blind Pick” mode has survived. Hardly played anymore and soon to be history: Riot Game wants to replace it with a new LoL mode that’s similar but better.

What is this old mode?

  • Blind Pick mode is actually like a normal match, but there is no draft phase where players choose their characters.
  • There is also no role selection in the mode, so you have to agree on which position you want to play. Since you don’t know which champs are on the opposing team, it’s also possible to choose the same champ.
  • This mode was actually intended for beginners or players in a hurry because it leads into the game much faster and is less complex than other modes, but the mode no longer works.
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    “Blind Pick” mode just won’t play anymore

    What’s the problem with the mode? It’s just barely played anymore.

    According to Riot, it is the least popular mode in League of Legends and the situation is getting worse: a replacement is needed.

    On reddit, a player explained: Blind pick is pointless today, only splits the player base and offers beginners a bad gaming experience.

    Since Riot Games perfected the “Draft Pick,” there was no longer a reason for the system.

    This is the replacement: The replacement mode is now on the LoL test server, the PBE. It’s called “Quick Play”.

    As you know, the new mode should appear in 2023. Although it’s not playable yet, Quick Play is likely to be coming soon (via 3djuegos).

    2 roles, select 2 champs, press “Search” and the match begins

    Here’s how the new mode will work in LoL: Quick Play will be a bit more binding than normal mode, but should still lead to fast play:

  • Selecting the mode takes you to an antechamber, where you choose a primary and secondary position you’d like to play in.
  • You choose a champion for both positions – it just can’t be the same.
  • Now the system is looking for a suitable match, as soon as one is found, you immediately end up in the loading game.
  • This should enable a quick game, a quick play.

    The new mode is expected to be officially released within the next few weeks.

    More on LoL:

    LoL: Game Designer explains which role is currently 20% stronger than all the others
