The experts on the crash: Putin shows what the consequences will be

After the Wagner group’s armed rebellion against Moscow on Midsummer’s Day, several Swedish Russia experts have been waiting for something like this to happen. Wagner Group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin and Wagner Group founder Dmitry Utkin were, according to the Russian Aviation Authority, on board the plane that crashed outside Moscow.

– There are many indications that it was not an accident. There is information from several sources that the plane has been shot down, says SVT’s former Russia correspondent Bert Sundström.

– It indicates that this would then be some type of retaliation for the attempted mutiny on Midsummer’s Day

Called a “traitor” by Putin

A long-standing dissatisfaction with the way the Wagner group’s units were treated differently during the war in Ukraine and even shelled by Russian forces culminated on Midsummer’s Day in an armed uprising against the Kremlin.

There the private army, led by Prigozhin, captured several Russian cities and towns. In connection with that, he was called a “traitor” by Putin, and although an agreement was later reached between them, Putin has hardly forgiven. Martin Kragh thinks so.

– It has never happened before that Putin called someone a traitor and that person then lived a long and healthy life.

“Shows what the consequences will be”

Kragh says there is a trend for those who stand up to the Kremlin to meet these kinds of fates.

– There is no doubt that what happened two months ago was a challenge to Putin and it must be met with harshness.

– Putin shows what the consequences can be for those who oppose him, says Kragh.
