The Next Agent to VALORANT Will Be Turkish!

Bringing a new breath to FPS games, VALORANT continues to make gamers happy with each new update. The new agent for VALORANT, which includes many agents, will be Turk.

A bomb-like claim took place on Twitter this morning. According to some posts, it is said that the agent who will come to VALORANT will represent Turkey. According to the comments, the new character, an expatriate living in Germany, is originally a Turkish citizen but will live in Germany. Of course, these are just conjectures for now. No official statement has been made by Riot Games and VALORANT on the subject. All these conversations emerged on a post.

There are many agents on VALORANT. Agents have different abilities and unique characteristics. If your new agent is coming, Killjoy’s mother was revealed to be.

Especially VALORANT Turkey constitutes a large part of its players. Both on the European stage and in our country, Turkey’s importance is growing day by day. Riot Games, He makes many gestures specific to Turkey. One of them looks like a new coming agent.

According to leaks circulating on Twitter, the name of the new agent was “Zehra“It is expected to happen. There are no leaks as to what role the new agent will take. However, according to estimates healer or smoker are among the assumptions.

Everything that has been said so far is purely conjecture. Although it was a bombshell, there was no official statement by Riot Games and VALORANT. We expect a statement on the subject in the coming days.

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