Anders Tegnell releases book about the pandemic

Anders Tegnell releases book about the pandemic
fullscreen Anders Tegnell, former state epidemiologist. Archive image. Photo: Magnus Andersson/tt

“Thoughts after a pandemic” is the title when former state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell summarizes his experiences in book form.

“Hopefully, the book can be a piece of the puzzle when in the future you want to understand what happened during these years and, perhaps even more importantly, that it can contribute to lessons for the next pandemic,” says Anders Tegnell in a press release.

In the book, which will be published on November 3, Tegnell describes the work with the pandemic and the path choices Sweden made, but also how the attention was directed at himself. It also describes his upbringing, his time as a doctor in Laos and his work with Ebola.
