Measurement: 6 out of 10 drivers drive too fast at Alléskolan in Habo

More than every second motorist accelerates too quickly past schools, this shows measurements that the road safety organization NTF has made in 20 locations around the country.

The road outside Alléskolan in Habo stands out – there are 6 out of 10 motorists who do not keep the speed. At most, a speed of 68 km per hour has been measured.

Parents contribute to dangerous traffic situations

– Alléskolan in Habo is not unique in any way, it looks similar in different places in Sweden. There are many who pick up and drop off and unprotected road users on the move, says Henrik Fallegård, project manager at NTF.

What can parents think about?

– Many times parents use as an argument that they should drive their children because the road is dangerous. But then you yourself contribute to a dangerous environment with a lot of traffic. Start walking or cycling to school with your child, maybe one day a week to start with.

In connection with the start of school, NTF makes new measurements outside the school.

Hear what parents of children at Alléskolan say about the traffic situation in the video above.
