Blotters in Umeå – now the police are warning

In recent weeks, a man in Umeå has exposed himself to young girls – several times.
Now the police are warning about the man.
– We want to draw the attention of parents, mainly in Ersboda and the surrounding area, to what happened, says District Attorney Louise Ahlmark.

Last Sunday, the Umeå police were alerted about a man who exposed himself to children. The incident is just one in a series of similar ones in a short time in the city.

– We see a risk that this could continue, says Chamber Prosecutor Louise Ahlmark, at the Prosecutor’s Chamber in Umeå, in a press release.

The police are aware of “a number of cases” and suspect that the man is behind all the sexual assaults.

Looking for tips

In order not to influence the plaintiffs and witnesses, the police cannot give a detailed description of the man, but both the police and the prosecutor are keen on tips.

– If there are more incidents that have not yet been reported to the police, it is important that we become aware of them as soon as possible, says Louise Ahlmark.
