the port city of Mariupol under Russian “blockade”

On the tenth day of the invasion of Ukraine on Saturday March 5, Russian troops continue their advance and bombardments take place in several cities of the country. Friday, the principle of the organization of humanitarian corridors was decided following negotiations between Russians and Ukrainians. The city of Mariupol is under Russian blockade.

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► Russia increased his strikes on Ukrainian cities. One killed 47 people in Cherniguiv in the north of the country. The Russians have taken control of Kherson, a city of 290,000 inhabitants near Crimea. Further east, the city of Mariupol is under blockade, according to the mayor who calls for the establishment of humanitarian corridors. Fighting is ongoing in Sumy, according to city authorities calling on residents ” to take shelter “.

► The BBC and the American news agency Bloomberg have suspended the work of all their journalists in Russia to ensure their security “, after the adoption of a law providing for prison sentences in the event of the dissemination of “ false information about the army and the blocking of his Russian-speaking site.

► Friday, the most large european nuclear power plantthat of Zaporijjia, was taken by the Russians following fighting which caused a fire, raising fears of a catastrophe in Europe.

► More than 1.2 million refugees have already fled the fighting, according to a new report from the United Nations. At the borders of Ukraine, there are thousands waiting to be able to cross to neighboring countries.

► RFI’s Russian editorial site now broadcasts Ukrainian public radio live (in Ukrainian) from the home page.

Times are given in Universal Time (UT)

4:43 a.m .: The Russian army continues to advance

The situation has also become a hell in Okhtyrka, according to authorities. In Sumy, a city of 250,000 inhabitants a few dozen kilometers from the Russian border, the authorities speak of a situation ” critical ” and call on the inhabitants to take shelter because of the risk of ” street fights “.

2h30: The strategic port of Mariupol, in eastern Ukraine, is subject to a ” blockade of the Russian army and attacks ruthless “Said the mayor on Saturday, calling for the establishment of a humanitarian corridor. “ At the moment we are looking for solutions to humanitarian problems and all possible ways to get Mariupol out of the blockade Vadim Boïtchenko said in a message posted on the town hall’s Telegram account. ” Our priority is the establishment of a ceasefire so that we can restore vital infrastructure and set up a humanitarian corridor to bring food and medicine to the city. “, he added. Control of Mariupol is strategic for Russia, because it would allow it to ensure territorial continuity between its forces from Crimea and those from the pro-Russian separatist territories of Donbass.

A pregnant woman and her children sit on the bench of a sports center converted into a makeshift anti-bombing shelter, in Mariupol, on February 28, 2022. Ukraine's strategic port city, it is subject to a

1h30: Among the hundreds of thousands of people fleeing Ukraine, African nationals lived, worked or studied in this country. This is the case of Boniface, a Congolese who studied for four years in Kiev, the Ukrainian capital. The young man was able to leave the country at war to enter Romania. He now hopes to join part of his family who lives in Germany. At the microphone of our special correspondent in Romania, Nicolas Falezhe says his attachment to Ukraine, which he has come to know and love.

The deep aspiration of Ukrainians is to be able to be recognized as Europeans because Ukraine is a democracy, a free country which shares the values ​​of the free world.

Boniface, Congolese student in Kiev, refugee in Romania

00:03: The UN Security Council will meet again urgently on Monday at 3 p.m. (8 p.m. UT) on the humanitarian crisis triggered in Ukraine by the invasion of Russia, at the request of the United States and Albania, learned learned Friday from diplomatic sources. Following this public session, consultations behind closed doors between the 15 members of the Security Council will follow, this time at the request of Mexico and France, on the initiative of a draft resolution which remains not materialized, a diplomat told AFP on condition of anonymity.
