20-year-old pro was scared to death of 2 trainers, fled gaming house – Riot now bans both

A worrying situation arose in League of Legends in July 2023: a professional player from the Japanese team DetonatioN FocusMe fled the gaming house. He said on Twitter he feared for his life. Now Riot Games has investigated the incident and is banning 2 professional coaches in LoL. The 20-year-old has not played since the incident.

What was the incident?

  • In July 2023, 20-year-old top planer Harubi “Tol2” Shibata escaped from his team’s gaming home. He said he feared for his life.
  • The young man said his coaches repeatedly verbally abused him: head coach Kazu and assistant coach Ceros targeted and bullied him for not playing as well as the previous top laner, who was the star of the team applied.
  • An attempt to get help from the league had failed and had only gotten him into more trouble.
  • This was the reaction: Just one day after the professional ran away, the team fired its two coaches with immediate effect.

    It was admitted that the coaches had said things that could be taken as a threat.

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    LoL bans 2 coaches for 6 months, CEO has detention

    This is the consequence now: Riot Games and the Japanese lol league LJL have been investigating the incident for a month now and have come to the following decision:

  • The team’s former coaches Kyohei “Ceros” Yoshida and Kazuta “Kazu” Suzuki will be suspended for 6 months.
  • The team’s CEO, LGraN, has undergone training to increase his sensitivity to “harassment allegations”.
  • The team will also be fined 2 million yen (€12,656).
  • The investigation revealed that two rule violations had occurred in the area of ​​”harassment” and “unethical behavior” was also identified over a longer period of time.

    The team played without the pro and continued to win without him

    How is the player? Tol2 didn’t find his way back into the team after the action. It said his situation “has not improved significantly, he is still unfit physically and mentally.”

    As a result, on July 9th, the botlaner moved to top lane and a new botlaner was brought into the team.

    DetonatioN FocusMe has continued to dominate the Japanese league and is in the playoff finals.

    Tol2 finally left the team on August 16th. In agreement with the team, his contract was terminated. He currently has no new club.

    The often young players of a professional team in e-sports live together in so-called “gaming houses” during the season. The worst case of how a situation can end has happened in Brazil:

    CS:GO pro player dies at 19 – team denies responsibility, has to pay €72,000 to family
