G20 Health kicks off in India: “There is no agreement on Ukraine”

G20 Health kicks off in India There is no agreement

(Finance) – The first day of work on the project got underway today in the Indian city of Gandhinagar. G20 Health. “Health is the supreme wealth and with good health any task can be accomplished,” said the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi welcoming the ministers of the multilateral platform with the words of a Sanskrit proverb. “It is imperative to put health at the center of global decision-making” and “strengthen health systems to anticipate, prepare and respond to future health emergencies together, as the world is today deeply interconnected”, Modi underlined, calling for capable health care all over the world also to “embrace traditional medicine” and characterized by “public participation”.

Work in the city in the Indian state of Gujarat will continue tomorrow and ministers are expected to agree on a final joint statement. Italy is represented at the table byItalian ambassador to India, Vincenzo de Luca. This is the last ministerial meeting before the G20 leaders’ summit, scheduled for 9 and 10 September in Delhi.

So far i G20 health ministers have reached agreement on all parts of the final conclusions which will be adopted tomorrow, “with the exception – said the Indian Minister of Health, Mansukh Mandaviya, on the sidelines of the proceedings – of a geopolitical paragraph on Ukraine”. The lack of agreement, according to what has been learned, is due to the against Russia and China to insert in the text paragraphs 3 and 4 relating to the condemnation of the war in Ukraine as formulated and agreed by the leaders of the G20 at the last summit in Bali. According to the negotiating line taken since last November, the references should be included in all the final declarations adopted at the end of the G20 ministerial meetings. However, Moscow and Beijing have repeatedly dissociated themselves, having a footnote inserted in the final texts to express their opposition.
