Qualcomm Introduces New Windows Processor!

Qualcomm Introduces New Windows Processor

Qualcommorganized every year Snapdragon Technology Summitannouncing several new products and for smartphones Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 and after introducing the Snapdragon G3x Gen 1 processor for gaming devices; now Qualcomm Snapdragon 8cx Gen 3 introduced the processor.

As the name suggests Snapdragon 8cx Gen 3is a top model of the 8cx Gen 2 processor released last year. Released for Windows devices. But for such devices The first chipset to enter production with the 5nm process. The company also In CPU performance; 85 percent improvement and 60 percent faster GPU performance promised.

Processor, Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X55, X62 and X65 5G Offers support for modems. To summarize, Snapdragon X65, top download speed up to 10Gbps offers. Snapdragon X55, up to 7.5Gbps while offering speed, Snapdragon X62 promises speeds of up to 4.4Gbps.

Better autofocus for video conferencing; It includes Qualcomm’s Spectra ISP, which promises automatic white balance and automatic exposure. With up to 4 simultaneous cameras Support a single camera up to 24 MPand also at 30fps 4K HDR video capture, slow motion 720p video at 480fps It also promises support.

The chip now offers faster read and write speeds UFS 3.1 It supports storage. To cancel unwanted background sounds; Qualcomm Voice Suite with Qualcomm Noise and Echo Cancellation technology there is also.

The company claims the chip supports “multi-day battery life”; but did not give further details about it. Qualcomm Snapdragon 8cx Gen 3 devices supported by in the first half of 2022 We are waiting for it to be released.
