The key to stopping Alzheimer’s is in the gut, not the brain!

The key to stopping Alzheimers is in the gut not

New studies with Alzheimer’s suggest that the key to stopping the disease may lie in the gut rather than the brain. As a result of decades of work with huge budgets from all over the world, concrete results regarding Alzheimer’s have not emerged. Continuing their work to effectively combat Alzheimer’s, experts said the intestines “represent an alternative treatment method that can be more easily affected by drugs or dietary changes.”


The results of a series of studies linking the gut to the development of Alzheimer’s were recently presented at a medical conference. Theoretically, patients’ gut bacteria affect the levels of inflammation in the body, which in turn affects the brain via the blood stream. Inflammation is considered an important factor in the development of Alzheimer’s. Alzheimer’s is thought to be triggered by plaque buildup in the brain, eventually causing brain cells to die.

There is no current cure for Alzheimer’s, but some drugs are on the market to help nerve cells communicate to help reduce symptoms. It is hoped that treatments can be developed to target the gut, thereby improving the condition of the brain.



A neuroscientist from King’s College London, who participated in the analysis of samples from Alzheimer’s patients, Dr. Edina Silajdžić said: “Many people are surprised that gut bacteria can have any effect on brain health. But the evidence is growing and we are building an understanding of how this happens. Gut bacteria can affect the level of inflammation in our bodies, and we know that inflammation is a major contributor to Alzheimer’s. ”

Scientific research has shown that the disruption of the normal balance of the intestinal microbiota is associated with many diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease by modulating the peripheral and central nervous systems. Therefore, for a healthy life, the balance in the intestinal microbiota should not be disturbed. Experts have been dwelling on the thesis that neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease start in the gut and spread to the brain via the gut-brain axis.



Inflammation in the intestine increases the risk of diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease in later ages. The reason for this is that inflammation in the intestine leads to endotoxemia, systemic inflammation and neuroinflammation. Intestinal health plays an important role in the prevention of many neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease or in the effective treatment of the disease. Therefore, it is important to bring the intestinal flora into a normal balance.


It is important to choose the right probiotic microorganisms and follow a gut-friendly nutrition program in maintaining the balance in the intestinal flora. The point to remember is that everyone’s gut microbiota is different, just like a fingerprint. For this reason, wrong practices should be avoided and support from experts in this field should be sought.
