After the Paris half-marathon which takes place on Sunday March 6, the runners will participate in the Paris Marathon on April 3. But you can’t run 42 kilometers without rigorous preparation and training. Warming up, sneakers, hydration, typical meal… Here are the 8 mistakes to avoid before a marathon.
Attention runners! the Half marathon (Sunday March 6, 2022) and paris marathon (Sunday April 3, 2022) are unmissable events for seasoned athletes. But do you have the right reflexes to prepare well, train and thus avoid the risk of injury on D-Day? Warm-up, preparation, shoes, training rhythm, surface, stretching, standard menu… Here are the 8 mistakes not to make before a big marathon type race with the advice of our experts.
Mistake 1: Training every day
The first mistake is to want to do too much… At the risk of exhausting yourself for the big day. “The important thing is to progressively quantify your training load because 90% of running injuries are due to poor load management. Soften when you increase the speed, duration or elevation too quickly“, explains Camille Chanteloup, physiotherapist.
→ Two to three months before the racewe prepare our body by starting with small distances (between 5 and 10 kilometers per outing) at least two to three times a week, and rather in the morning, advises the French Federation of Cardiology.
→ Gradually, we increase the distance and we prefer to do shorter outings more often, rather than one long outing. The body needs repetitions to solidify and learn the complex gestures of running. Corn it should not be overstressed. “It is necessary at all costs to avoid the overtraining (running every day for example) which increases the risk of injury and decreases performance. It’s important to take time out during his preparation for the marathon, for example, leaving at least one day of rest between two sessions“, advises our expert.
Mistake 2: Always practicing the same sport
“Most tissues respond better to small, frequent stimuli. The more frequent the stimulus, the more the adaptation processes are stimulated and the easier it is to learn the mechanical properties of the muscle.“, indicates the runner’s clinic, reference in running. However, it is not advisable to always solicit and work the same groups of muscles. It is therefore better to alternate running sessions with cycling, swimming, indoor cardio sessions (elliptical, rower…) and stretching sessions.
It is advisable from time to time to change the route and therefore the type of surface
Mistake 3: Training on the same course
Depending on the hardness, irregularity and unevenness, the surface does not induce the same running technique and the same type of stride. Here again, the fact of varying the training surfaces makes it possible not to always solicit the same muscles and allows a better variety of movements in the lower limbs. In other words, it is advisable from time to time to change the route and therefore the type of surface (flat, with a slight drop, firmer surface, softer
Mistake 4: Feeding poorly
Avoid butter or dairy products.
A lean diet, but consistent and healthy is essential before a marathon type race. “The night before the race, we will prepare a meal which is a little higher in carbohydrates than usual, with a portion of slow carbohydrates (a 150 g portion of lentils for example), with preferably lean protein (poultry, white fish…) to be able to be digested well during the night. In the morning when we wake up, we will take a portion of complete carbohydrates (wholemeal bread or wholemeal oatmeal muesli) and a portion of easily digestible protein such as ham. You can also overwrite a very ripe banana with a little honey for a dose of fast carbohydrates. On the other hand, we avoid butter or dairy products.“, recommends Raphaël Gruman, dietitian-nutritionist.
Mistake 5: Skipping the warm-up
Doing intense effort with cold or poorly warmed up muscles and joints increases the risk of injury such as sprain, ligament rupture or tendinitis. To limit the risk, it is necessary to perform a joint and muscle warm-up before the race.
→ Do stretching and dynamic movements of the main joints (knees, hips, ankles, feet, back, shoulders).
→ Make some movements of flexion/extension to soften the knees and hips.
→ Continue to gently warm up the musclesstarting the race with a short jog for 10 to 15 minutes at a reasonable pace (below your running speed) then do 2 to 3 sets of acceleration for 200 meters until you reach your running speed.
Mistake 6: Not drinking enough
“Remember to stay hydrated on the morning of the race by drinking as much water as possible as soon as you wake up. We think of urinating before going for a run of course. Avoid hot drinks such as coffee because they are a little irritating to the digestive system and this can create reflux while running“, indicates our dietitian-nutritionist. Moreover, “for athletes who are preparing for a marathon, I recommend a very simple drink to make: in a 1.5 L bottle of water, add a small briquette of fruit juice (grape or apple for example), two pinches of salt and mix. In contrast, no need to take sports drinks (such as Powerade© or Apurna©) which are far too sweet and will dry out more than moisturize“, he advises.
Mistake 7: Not getting enough sleep
Get quality sleep is essential before a race. During the month preceding the event, make sure to sleep at least 7 or 8 hours per night and try to go to bed at a fixed time each night. “In parallel with a restful sleep and in order to arrive as “fresh” as possible on the day of the race, it is also good to reduce the increase in the training load on the previous days“, advises our physiotherapist.
Mistake 8: Choosing the wrong shoes
Shoes are the main equipment of a good marathon runner. It is advisable to choose sneakers:
- Not too old, but not new either:the ideal is to opt for shoes that you have “run in” during your preparation and in which you feel good”
- With a small heel (not too high at the risk of twisting your ankle) to cushion your strides. Iamortized is the ability of the shoe to absorb the shock at the time of impact with the ground.
- With a good “relaunch”which makes it easier to bounce back from one stride to another
- With a good stabilitywhich allows the runner to have his foot and ankle well maintained inside the shoe
- With some non-slip and lightweight soles.
- With one size larger than usual : to check this, it must be possible to slide the thumb behind the heel and the foot must be well supported without being too tight.
Thanks to Camille Chanteloup, physiotherapist and Raphaël Gruman, dietitian-nutritionist.