The Riksdag against amending the Rules of Procedure

The Government Office is currently working on developing proposals for how the Public Order Act can be amended so that the Police can be given the opportunity to refuse permission for a demonstration on the grounds that national security may be threatened.

The Sweden Democrats have not yet expressed their position on the matter. This despite the fact that several representatives of the party expressed criticism of the law amendment.

“I will defend the legislation we have”, the Member of Parliament Rashid Farivar (SD) has said before.

Other parties doubtful

But other parties are doubtful about a change to the ordinance. The Social Democrats currently see no need for an amendment to the law.

– The Social Democrats’ starting point is that freedom of expression and demonstration must be protected, says Ardalan Shekarabi, the party’s legal policy spokesperson, to Ekot.

The Center Party and the Green Party are on the same line as the Social Democrats.
