Steam Launches Base Price Application!

Steam Launches Base Price Application

Steam, which is one of the most preferred game platforms of today, is now switching to the base price application in games.

Steam, which won the hearts of gamers with its special price application in Turkey, seems to be upset with the new base price application. According to Steam’s decision, the cheapest game will now be 1 dollar.

Accordingly, with the dollar rate account that Steam applies specifically to the Turkish market, the games will appear as at least 11 TL. The discounted prices of the games can be purchased for 5.5 TL. These prices will change with Steam’s update of the dollar rate. With this decision, the games that are sold at a very cheap price on Steam have also been removed.

This has negatively affected many gamers and game companies that Steam has received. In the coming periods, the negative dimension is expected to increase with the change in the dollar rate.

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