In the spotlight: in France, emergency in the health sector

In the spotlight in France emergency in the health sector

In this month of August, public health could really use a refresh. We learn in the columns of the Figaro this morning that in the emergency room, the situation is more serious than last summer ” and ” all departments of France ” are touched.

Same observation in pediatric emergencies: “ Even before autumn brings its share of epidemics “, alert The Parisianthe situation is extremely tense “. No place in intensive care in the establishments of Ile-de-France, so much so tells the newspaper that it was necessary, last weekend, to transfer an infant to another region… A very unusual situation, several months before the annual bronchiolitis peak. For a doctor interviewed, the observation is clear: “ I will be told that it is a combination of circumstances, but the truth is that we are on the bone “.

And in maternities, it’s not better. This time, it’s not the places that are missing but the staff. ” To be born or not to be born : that is the question » quips Humanity, who went to a hospital in the west of the country whose birth room is in danger of being closed. In question: no replacement to take over from a retirement. Here again, ” justification of an unfortunate combination of circumstances “was put forward but, says the daily, it” is not unanimous among the staff “. The very existence of the service is in any case threatened and, underlines Humanitythis is not the first time the hospital has been closed and emergencies are already operating at a reduced rate.

A matter of budget

In the background, always the same question: that of reducing health expenditure. This is also what justifies the government’s objective of reducing work stoppages. ” Sick leave, haro on doctors ” title The cross. Since this summer, the doctors judged too many prescribers are ordered to reduce the number of saves they give. The Catholic-based daily recalls that ” it was during the assizes of public finances that Bruno Le Maire launched hostilities “.

For a doctor interviewed, the subtext is clear: “​​​​​The very fact that it is the Minister of Finance who is announcing this campaign clearly shows that the concern is above all to reassure the rating agencies “. To the great dismay of practitioners, such as this young woman working with “​​​​​of a worker patient and instructed to apply business methods to their practice. Bitter, she wonders: “​​​​​When, in a patient, the analgesics no longer work and he is in so much pain that he no longer sleeps at night, what can I prescribe, if not a work stoppage ? »

Trump still indicted but still popular

“​​​​​Always more indicted and yet “ever more favorite », is surprised The cross. Not content with being the first American president to be prosecuted, Donald Trump is now under four different procedures. Which does not prevent him from remaining “​​​​​the big favorite of the Republican primaries. With a nuance all the same: “​​​​​If his legal troubles work in his favor within his party, it will probably not be the case within the general electorate. “. “​​​​​Several signals should worry him “, therefore warns The cross.

Analysis shared by Le Figaro. Certainly, “a large portion of Republicans sincerely see these lawsuits as political persecution » ; certainly “Donald Trump voters are unlikely to drop him » ; certainly finally, he “​​​​​​continues to enjoy the unconditional support of the party “. But still, “repeated indictments end up colliding more and more with the campaign “. And they strike right in the sinews of war, in “​​​​​​reducing its financial resources “. So, even if it is impossible to predict the continuation of what has become, according to the daily, a “reality tv episode », Release is already rejoicing: this indictment has at least the merit of “​​​​​​shake Trump and his troops “.

Inquiry into prison deaths

Humanity devotes a dossier to what she calls “​​​​​prison omerta “. With this question: “​​​​​Do you know how many prisoners die each year in French prisons? ? The answer is surely no, and “​​​​​it’s normal » point the dailysince “this figure is now kept secret by the prison administration “. Hardly do we have estimates made by the Comptroller General of Prisons: there would be more than 250 deaths per year. Beyond the numbers, what we mostly ignore are the “​​​​​circumstances of these deaths “. And the families of the detainees come up against the walls of the prisons behind which the authorities take refuge. “​​​​​omerta », «​​​​​silence », «​​​​​dumbness or “​​​​​lead screed »: the words vary but the reality they describe is the same.

When there is an investigation, the latter is often “​​​​​​sloppy, quickly classified “, estimates the newspaper, and far from appeasing the relatives, she “​​​​​fuel the questions “. ” Impossible to access the remains of the deceased, to meet the fellow prisoners who frequented him, no explanation on how these last moments took place. To this must be added sometimes incomplete video recordings, since there is no obligation to keep this data, and the working ties that often unite prison guards and police officers in charge of the investigation. And Humanity to take up this sentence of Dostoyevsky: We measure the degree of civilization of a society by visiting its prisons “. On good terms…
