Teenager stabbed in Stockholm

Teenager stabbed in Stockholm

Updated 20:08 | Published at 19:57

full screen A person has been injured by a sharp object in Vårberg in southern Stockholm. Archive image. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

A teenage boy has been injured by a knife or another sharp object in a fight in Vårberg in southern Stockholm.

The police received an alert about a fight with several people involved near the center of Vårberg shortly after 19:00 on Tuesday evening.

– In connection with that fight, a person was injured with a stabbing weapon, says police spokesperson Carina Skagerlind.

The injured teenager was taken to hospital by ambulance helicopter, but the extent of his injuries is unclear. According to the police, there are several perpetrators.

– We are looking for them now with a fairly large resource, in parallel with talking to witnesses. There are a lot of witnesses, says Skagerlind.

A preliminary investigation into attempted murder has been launched.
