Rayane Bensetti close to death from Staphylococcus aureus

Rayane Bensetti close to death from Staphylococcus aureus

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    in collaboration with

    Dr Gérald Kierzek (Medical Director)

    In an Instagram Story published on Tuesday August 8, actor Rayane Bensetti shared a big scare with his fans: emergency hospitalization after a generalized infection linked to staphylococcus aureus. By his own admission, he would have taken too long to react. So what is the right attitude?

    His aversion to hospitals could have cost him his life. In a story published on August 8, Rayane Bensetti, French actor and dancer, talks to the camera about a misadventure whose outcome could have been dramatic: the infection of a simple skin wound which created a chain reaction, up to a forced hospitalization and last resort treatment.

    Red, swollen and half paralyzed

    “To quickly explain to you what happened, I had a pimple on my chest and it was hurting inside and like any fool, I thought to myself, ‘I’m going to pierce it’ so I took it. perforated.” But the following surprises him: “Everything got infected and I woke up the next day swollen from the neck down to my stomach with my whole body red”. The young man, however, decides to wait, without consulting the emergency room. A decision he attributes today to his phobia of hospitals since the death of his dad in 2018.

    “The next day I woke up with a tennis ball in the middle of my stomach. I looked at myself in the mirror, my body was no longer mine, I was swollen all over. Unable to carry my phone in my left hand, I was paralyzed on the left”.

    Hesitation is no longer possible: Rayane consults a specialist in the emergency room qui put it back in its place: “You risk death, Mr. Bensetti”. Fortunately, the young man is now recovered.

    In case of signs of infection: consult without delay!

    Rayane Bensetti could probably have avoided complications by going quickly to her doctor or to the emergency room. Essential advice reminds us of Dr. Gérald Kierzek, emergency doctor and medical director of Doctissimo.

    “We are here on a staphylococcal skin infection, which can pass into the blood, but the simply local evolution can also be serious, on the chest, or even on the face, what is called malignant staphylococcal disease. The risk is a regional extension and/or a generalization of the infection. In this case, the advice is not to manipulate the pimples and not to delay in case of infection, a consultation and antibiotics as soon as possible are essential to stop an unfavorable evolution”.

    You doubt the evolution of a pimple? “There is a simple trick, just trace the contours of the inflammatory area with a marker, to see if it extends or if it regresses” advise our expert.

    Sepsis: watch out for infections that are becoming widespread

    More generally, the emergency doctor also recalls the actions to prevent and treat sepsis, also called sepsis, as quickly as possible. Sepsis is an infection, bacterial or viral, originating in the skin, teeth, lungs or any other organ. The immune system is racing and the defenses are overwhelmed.

    The signs to look out for are:

    • An increased respiratory rate;
    • Fever ;
    • High blood pressure below 10;
    • An increase in heart rate;
    • Of the consciousness disorders.

    “In this case, you have to keep in mind the concept of the “golden hours”, that is to say the importance of the first hours. The challenge is to make a diagnosis and give antibiotics as quickly as possible to counter the infection.
